Research Committee

Research Committee


Johannes Krall (Austria),
İnanç Sümbüloğlu (Turkey),


Azoulay, Bracha (Israel),
Bucuta, Mihaela (Romania),
de Campos Pires, Nuno Márcio (Portugal),
Ciepliński, Krzysztof Mariusz (Poland),
Cruz, Anna Sofia (Portugal), 
Dima, Ela (Romania),  
Dojcinovski, Ilija (Macedonia),  
Eryavuz, Ayse (Turkey),
Feuerstein, Sabine (Austria),
Flegelskamp, Stefan (Germany),
Fürst, Jutta (Austria),
Gasseau, Maurizio (Italy),
Gonzalez, António (Portugal),
Greco, Marco (Italy),
Guglielmin, Maria Silvia (Italy),   
Högberg, Göran (Sweden),   
Jovanovska-Stojanovska, Mirjana (Macedonia),
Kauppila, Reijo (Finland),
Kirk, Catharine (United Kingdom),
Kolmorgen, Katja (Germany),
Köfeler, Christina (Austria),
Kunz Mehlstaub, Susanne (Suisse),
de Leonardis, Paola (Italy),
Lucas, Paula (Portugal),
Marlok, Zsuzsánna (Hungary),
Moita, Gabriela (Portugal),
Mutafchieva, Milena (Bulgaria),
Orkibi, Hod (Israel),
Pajek, Christian (Austria),
Prosen, Simona (Slovenia)
Pereira Kellermann, Lea (Portugal),
Rautiainen, Mari (Finland),
Sielecki, Frank (Germany),
Schaller, Roger (Suisse),
Stadler, Christian (Germany),
Tarashoeva, Galabina (Bulgaria),
Testoni, Ines (Italy),
Vieira, Filipa (Portugal),
Vinter-Van Vierssen, Ene (Estonia),
Westberg, Monica (Sweden),
Werner, Marolina (Sweden),
Wieser, Michael (Austria),



1The FEPTO Research Committee aims at enhancing re­search in all areas of professional practice in psychodrama. No matter if psychodrama is applied in education, adult train­ing, social work, organisational counselling or psy­chother­apy research is vital for the quality of work and the further development of psychodrama in theory and prac­tice.

From the very beginning of FEPTO research was seen as important for psychodrama. Research activities within the psychodrama community were conducted and coordi­nated by the chair of the committee.

In recent years the focus of the research committee has shifted towards bottom up research projects by psychodrama practitioners. In the last RC Meetings differ­ent research initiatives have been started. Results were presented and discussed in international conferences and research networks with universities were established.


1. Goals of the Research Committee

Researchers, trainers and trainees in psychodrama, psychodrama practitioners are invited and supported to initiate, to participate, to support and to conduct research and to create social networks of practitioner researchers within the psychodrama community. Research attitudes, values, knowledge, skills have to be fostered as a ba­sis for research activities. In detail the objectives of the FEPTO Research Committee are to…

– be a platform for exchange in psychodrama research,
– initiate and conduct research,
– to share research tools and procedures,
– train the psychodrama trainers in research skills,
– integrate research in psychodrama training,
– involve psychodrama training institutions in building a basis for research,
– link psychodrama research with research in related fields, e.g. counselling, psychotherapy, psychology, education.

2. Minimal Training Standards (MTS) for the integration of research in training

(1) Curriculum: min. of 20 hours for research in psychodrama learning outcome:

– To know, apply, analyse, discuss and criticise… qualitative / quantitative evaluation / research methods;

– To be able to write an evaluation/ research proposal and a to write a dissertation/ essay as part of the training

(2) Dissertation/ essay: min of 15000 words/30-40 pages

– Practice-oriented evaluation/ research based on theory, description of practice and on empirical data

Johannes Krall
Chair of FEPTO RC


3. Research Committee study on what psychodramatic conceptualization of spontaneity
means in everyday life

Hello, dear Psychodrama colleagues and friends:

FEPTO Research Committee conducts a study aiming to construct a new spontaneity scale that may prove useful for measuring one of the core concepts in psychodrama. To this end, we would like to build on the vast knowledge and expertise of as many psychodrama trainers as possible.

Therefore, you are kindly invited to complete a short online questionnaire (6-10 minutes) where you are asked to give several examples of what psychodramatic conceptualization of spontaneity means in everyday life. This is flowed by a set of brief demographic questions.

There are no right or wrong answers, all responses will be collected for the psychometric process of creating the items for the new spontaneity scale.

Please complete the questionnaire here no later than June, the 1st, 2023.

FEPTO Research Committee thank you for your valuable contribution.

Kind regards,

Prof. Hod Orkibi
University of Haifa, Israel

4. International FEPTO RC Meetings

FEPTO RC Meetings are held twice a year in different European countries. All inter­ested people from research, practice and training in psychodrama are invited to par­ticipate. Everybody who has an interest to join a RC meeting or want to address a specific question regarding research in psychodrama can contact the chair of the FEPTO RC.

If you want to be our guest and to get to know our research activities or if you want to participate actively in psychodrama research you are very welcome to join us. Just send a mail with your interest to

Next meeting

Dear Friends of Psychodrama,
Dear FEPTO Colleagues,

We hope you are all well in these difficult times. We would like to send a reminder of our  upcoming FEPTO RC Meeting, from the 2nd to the 5th of March 2023  in Istanbul, Turkey. Save the date!

The theme will be decided soon.

The RC Meeting is supported by FEPTO; therefore no participation fee is required. Please check the FEPTO website for invitation, program and further details.

Johannes Krall and İnanç Sümbüloğlu
Co-Chairs of FEPTO Research Committee.

5. Report for Newsletter, December 2020: Research and publishing on Psychodrama  Psychodrama

In the past month the research Committee has focused on the publication of our ZPS Journal edition on Psychodrama Research: Empirical Research and Science (2020). Furthermore, the planning of the ZPS Journal with FEPTO contributions on theory, practice, training and research in psychodrama is on its way and will appear in 2021. In addition to our efforts concerning the publishing, we are preparing our forthcoming online FEPTO RC Meeting from 4th -7th of March 2021. The main theme is Connections in Disconnectedness. Actions Research in Psychodrama and Sociodrama.

The Journal for Psychodrama and Sociometry (ZPS Supplement 1/ 2020, Springer) can be retrieved online and will be available in print at the beginning of 2021. Many thanks to all authors and to our co-editors Kate Kirk and Christian Stadler.

In recent years it has become apparent on several levels that scientific work and empirical research in psychodrama have become increasingly important. In the course of the recognition procedures in various countries -especially with regard to the format of psychotherapy – the scientific proof of the effectiveness of the method gained a strong appreciation. However, the increasing academization of training courses also requires a greater involvement of scientific procedures and standards. The Journal editions contains 17 re-search contributions from psychodrama colleagues all over Europe and Mediterranean countries. It covers qualitative and quantitative studies on different forms of psychodrama applications in various psychosocial fields. We hope that the contributions in different fields of work will find an interest-ed readership and contribute to the development of a mutually inspiring interplay of science and practice in psychodrama.

We would be pleased if the contributions would also inspire people to initiate their own practical research projects and to strive for cooperation with research institutions. Every contribution in this direction not only enriches the exchange in the field of international psychodrama research, but also strengthens the social recognition of psychodrama methods in the various fields of professional psychosocial work.

Despite the difficult situation due to the pandemic, the research Committee is preparing its upcoming online RC Meeting from 4th – 7th of March 2021. Our colleagues from the Hungarian Association for Psychodrama will be hosting the meeting. Many thanks to Ágnes Blaskó, Kata Horvath, and Mónika Durst. For more detailed information about this Research Committee Meeting see also our website. Please also save the date for our FEPTO Research Committee Meeting in Torino 14th -17th of October 2021.

I am looking forward to welcoming you in one of our next RC Meetings.
Stay healthy, optimistic and resilient!

With love and all my best wishes,
Johannes Krall


5. Recent FEPTO RC meetings


Turin, Italy, from the 20th to the 23rd of October
Research on Psychodrama
In between social crisis, life and death

We met in Torino from 2023 of October 2022. The meeting was hosted by our colleague from the Studio di Psicodramma of Torino Milano Treviso. Many thanks are going to Marco Greco.
The theme was
Research on Psychodrama:
In between social crisis, life and death. Almost 30 colleagues and psychodrama trainees participated and contributed to the process. There was some theoretical and also workshop hours during the meeting. Ethnography and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis were the main research topic in the workshops.

Our meeting was held in collaboration with Multiplier Evet that aims to disseminate the results of the 3yearlong Erasmus+ project Death Education for Palliative Psychology (DE4PP), funded by the European Community. From five countries, researchers and psychology students participated in the meeting and share their experiences and research outcomes.

Download > Final report

Online, from the 3rd to the 4th of March
Intervention and Change

The second online meeting of the Research Committee was held between the 3rd and the 4th of March 2022. The general theme in the conference was: What Kind of intervention is Psychodrama? Analysis of the mental functions activated in psychodrama and the specific factors of change. You will find the results in the final report, including the presenters, the abstracts, and the invitation for the next meeting.

Download > Final report



Online, from the 4th of March to the 7th of March
Connections in Disconnectedness. Actions Research in Psychodrama and Sociodrama

During the pandemic times, the Research Committee conducted online RC Meeting on March 4-7, 2021.The meeting was hosted by our colleagues from the Hungarian Association for Psychodrama. Many thanks to Ágnes Blaskó, Kata Horvath, and Mónika Durst.

70 people from 24 countries participated in the RC Meeting. The programme covered a wide range of research in psychodrama and sociodrama in professional fields like education, social work, organizational consultancy, politics, healthcare, and psychotherapy. It was a pleasure to share our research work, to learn from each other and to enjoy our online experience together.

It was our special honour to welcome our keynote speakers, who addressed theoretical and practical aspects of actions research in their presentations. Walter Logeman from the Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama in New Zealand spoke about “Moreno’s Scientific Methodology: by, of and for the People”. Marco Ius from the University of Padova looked at “Sociodrama as a Stage for Action Research”.

Download > Final report



Istanbul, Turkey, from the 5th to the 8th of March 2020
New horizons through changing perspectives – Research and innovation in psychodrama

The FEPTO RC Meeting “New Horizons Through Changing Perspectives” was held at Bilgi University in Istanbul. In total, more than 45 colleagues from 14 European and Mediterranean countries participated in the conference. The meeting was organized in partnership with Deniz Altinay from the Istanbul Psychodrama Institute.

İnci Doğaner from the Dr. Abdulkadir Ozbek Psychodrama Institute delivered a key note speech on “A spontaneous self-development theory in and for sociometric psychodramatic group psychotherapy”. As a second key note speaker Prof. Leni Verhofstadt-Denève from Ghent University/ Belgium introduced theory, practice and research on the “Simultaneous Action-Observer Strategy” (SA-OS).

As an innovation for our meeting we also included a workshop on Playback theatre, which was conducted by António Gonzales and Nuno Amarante from ISPA Instituto Universitário from Lisbon / Portugal. They also presented qualitative and quantitative data from a Randomized Controlled Trial on the efficacy of playback theatre.

Many thanks to our LOC İnanç Sümbüloğlu, Ayşe Altan and their team, who created such a supportive atmosphere and warm welcome.

Download > Istanbul final report


Sigmund Freud University, Vienna, Austria, from 10th to the 13rd of November 2019
Beyond Numbers and Words. Measuring & Understanding Psychodrama

In the past years, psychodrama as a recognized psychotherapy modality has lost ground in some western European countries. In these countries health and psychotherapy policy excluded a broad range of different psychotherapy modalities, which couldn’t fulfill the need of evidence-based research. Those psychotherapy modalities which had a long tradition of training and research at academic and research-oriented institutions are in a better position to get resources for research. Academisation and research seem to be two aspects of the same coin. Therefore, psychodrama training should be part of a professional academic training.

Psychodrama at the Sigmund Freud Privat University (SFU) is an integrated part of a five years full Bachelor- and Master´s Degree Programme on Psychotherapy Science. The University intends to blend theory with practical training, self-awareness and comprehensive
research activities.

Download > Vienna final report

University of Padova, Italy, from 28th of February to 3rd of March 2019
From Resilience to Well-being –
Promoting Health through Psychodrama and Action Methods.

The conference and FEPTO RC Meeting “From Resilience to Wellbeing –Promoting Health through Psychodrama and Action Methods” was co-organized by the University of Padova and the FEPTO Research committee. In total, more than one hundred people participated in the conference, 46 FEPTO colleagues from 17 European and Mediterranean countries. Key note speakers came from the US, Israel, Greece and Italy.Many thanks for the invitation and the hard work to organize this conference go to Prof. Ines Testoni and Francesca Alemanno from the interdisciplinary Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology (FISPPA) of the University of Padova.

Download > Final report


Leipzig, Germany, from the 4th to the 7th of October 2018
Research for a magic profession?
Scientific reasoning in psychodrama training and practice

The goal of this meeting is to support scientific work and research activities in psychodrama on different levels. As a community of learners in research we want to propose a better integration of scientific work and research in our psychodrama training curricula and to support training of trainers in scientific writing and research.

Our meeting was hosted by the Surplus Psychodrama Institute Leipzig (PDI).
Many thanks to our local hosts: Anett Richter-Nowak, Uwe Nowak, Katja Kolmorgen

Download > final report

Isle of Man / United Kingdom, 8th-11th of February 2018
All in the Mind? Global perspectives of understanding, researching and treating mental health

The conference was hosted by the Isle of Man Mental Health Services, the Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organisations (FEPTO) and Keyll Darree Education and Training Centre.

Download > final report
Isle of Man Brochure


Tallinn / Estonia, 5th – 8th of October 2017
Diversity in Psychodrama Practice Challenges for Process and Outcome Research

The goal of this meeting was to discuss diversity in psychodrama practice and how we can deal with it in research.

Download > final report

Skopje / FYROM, 23rd – 26th of February 2017
Research m
ethodology in psychodrama and action methods

It is my great pleasure to inform that between 23rd-26th February 2017 the FEPTO Research Committee held an international meeting at the MIT University in Skopje / Republic of Macedonia. On this occasion we were focused on the topic of Methodology in psychodrama and action methods.

Around 40 psychodrama researchers, university teachers, practitioners and students from 16 different countries attended our February meeting.

Skopje con tuttiI would like to say thank you to all participants who were involved in the preparation and carrying out of this event. Thank you for your engagement in presentations of your research results, projects and ideas. Thanks also for conducting and participating in workshops and the very valuable feedback.

Special thanks should go to our local hosts: Miriana Jovanovska-Stojanovska and Ilija Dojcinovski with the support of the working team: Margarita Nikolovska, Vesna Blazhevska, Biljana Stojanoviic and Ivona Gjorgjieva for their involvement and hospitality. Thanks also to the authorities of MIT University for providing the facilities for this meeting and especially to prof. Miroslav Pendaroski, the Dean of the Psychology Faculty, for attending.

More > Skopje final program



Kraków / Poland, 6th – 9th of October 2016
Creativity in psychodrama and action methods

The most recent activity of our group was the organization of the FEPTO Research Committee meeting entitled “Creativity in Psychodrama and Action Methods Research”. We met as a group of 25 participants from 12 European and Mediterranean countries on 6-9 October 2016 in Kraków – a popular touristic place, the previous capital of Poland. The event took place in the Day Treatment Center Community Psychiatry Unit, Collegium Medicum Jagiellonian University. In Kraków we had the chance to experience our creativity in sharing research inspirations and results, discussing and developing research projects.

An additional benefit of the event were the personal encounters in the international group of psychodramatists and researchers. Participants had also a choice of visiting the old town of Kraków, the unique salt mine in Wieliczka or the Concentration and Extermination Camp in Aushwitz-Birkenu. We are planning to organize the next RC meeting in Skopje, FYROM, 23-26 of February with support from AMIGDALA School for Psychodrama.

Download > Full version report

Helsinki / Finland, 25th – 28th of February 2016
Research, Theory and Practice in Dialogue

The FEPTO RC Meeting took place on 25-28 February 2016 in Helsinki. We met as a group of 41 participants from 13 countries enjoying the hospitality of the Helsinki Deaconess Institute with the magnificent help of local hosts Mari Rautiainen and Reijo Kauppila.

At the beginning of the meeting we were familiarized by Tiina Viheriälä & Reijo Kauppila with the psychodrama tradition and presence in Finland and Helsinki Deaconess Institute’s fields of action – which was shown by Mari Rautiainen.

An excellent scientific warm up to the meeting was given by Mikael Leiman, an Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the University of Eastern Finland who presented some results of his theoretical and empiri cal research on the semiotic mediation of mental action and its application to the context of psychotherapeutic interaction. We also had the possibility to see how Professor Leiman used in practice a Dialogical sequence analysis – a microanalytic method of verbal and nonverbal utterances working with patients.

RC in FinlandDr. Kai Alhanen (Helsinki, Finland) gave us a possibility to enhance the understanding of the Moreno’s ideas like encounter, spontaneity, role and sociometry by analyzing his contemporary philosophical con- text, especially the philosophies of Henri Bergson and John Dewey.
An important part of the meeting was the presentation of the results of practice-oriented psychodrama research including those based on Robert Elliott´s HSCED model. The research on process and outcome of long-term PD psychotherapy groups, psychodrama and creative education in prison and the measurement of psychodramatic psychotherapeutic process in the context of inpatient psychotherapy were presented and discussed. EQUALS – a proposal of the computer supported procedure of research on psycho- drama with children and adolescents was also shown and explained.

In addition, several contributions were focusing on training and learning processes in psychodrama, among them the findings and challenges in qualitative analyses of the role development of trainees. At the time of the meeting some participants had a chance to present and discuss their prepared or ongoing psychodrama research projects in the context of andragogy, sociodrama, university education, interdisciplinary research cooperation and psychodrama supervision.

Download  > Full version report


University of Applied Sciences, Fachhochschule für angewandte Sozialwissenschaften
Würzburg / Germany, 8th -11th of October 2015

Wurtzburg RC meeting1In our FEPTO RC Meeting in Würzburg the goal was to focus on research cooperation and networks in Europe. We are still facing a lot of research work and networking ahead of us. We will be going on promoting research as being an integrated part of psychodrama training and practice in our institutes.

We would like to see every training organisation actively participating in research activities and/or cooperating with research institutions. It is our vision that psychodrama is clearly based on research informed training and practice. The presented projects, new research proposals and research capacity building are promising for the future. Let´s keep our momentum to move on.

More > Report

Action Methods and Experiential Learning – Practice-Oriented Research in Psychodrama
26th  of February – 1st of March 2015, Intituto Universitário (ISPA), Lisbon/Portugal

We could welcome 40 researchers and practitioners from 15 European and Mediterranean countries who were presenting, discussing and developing their research projects and ideas. It is especially noteworthy to mention that more and more young people with research interest are joining our committee.

In our meeting we had the opportunity to present and discuss research projects, to create research ideas and to share research experiences. The contributions were arranged around five major themes

-Research on efficacy and effectiveness in psychodrama
– Research tools, designs and analysis in clinical practice
– Psychodrama with children and adolescents
– Research in psychodrama training
– Building research capacity

Download > Final report


Building Research Capacity in Psychodrama. How to train research? Which methods and tools to use?
16th – 19th of October 2014, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland

Lublin RC_webWe could welcome researchers and practitioners from 11 European countries who were presenting, discussing and developing their research projects and ideas. The current topics of our work were:

Systematic review of psychodrama outcome studies
– Key contemporary research approaches in psychotherapy
– Psychodrama with children and adolescents
– Research in psychodrama training
– Outcome-oriented quality assurance
Psychodrama Training Programs in Finland, Norway and Estonia
How to enhance capacity building in psychodrama research?

Download > Report

Integrating Research in Training – Improving Research Competencies of Trainers in Psychodrama
27th of February to 2nd of March 2014, Semmelweis University of Budapest, Hungary

We could welcome 34 researchers and practitioners from 16 European and Mediterranean countries who were presenting, discussing and developing their research projects and ideas. The current topics of our work are

– Psychodrama effectiveness
– Psychodrama with children and adolescents
– Research in psychodrama training
– Supervision in psychodrama training
– Competencies of psychodrama trainers
– Morenian identity, theory and methodology
– Developing an international online Journal of Psychodrama

Download > Budapest report


Interdisciplinary psychodrama research: Prospects in psychotherapy, social work and education
October 2013: Lucian Blaga University Sibiu / Romania

2The FEPTO Research Committee Meeting in Sibiu was part of an International Con­gress of Psychology on the topic ´Modern research in psychology – trends and pro­spects´. More than three hundred people participated in this congress. The interna­tional network of FEPTO was introduced and an overview of research activities in FEPTO RC was provided. Members of the FEPTO RC were invited to present their re­search in the plenary and in workshops. Practitioner research in psychodrama, super­vision in psychodrama training and results of the Empower – project were presented. In a workshop on psychodrama with children two projects were discussed.

Download > Sibiu RC report

Annual Meeting of FEPTO in Santander/ Spain

In the FEPTO RC Meeting in Santander all interested delegates from different psycho­drama training institutions could share their ideas and experiences in research. The chair of the research committee reported about ongoing projects in professional ar­eas like research in training,effectiveness research, children and youth in psycho­drama, identity, theory, and methodology of psychodrama. Participants were invited to share their research interest or projects they are involved in.

The chair of RC proposes to have 2 or 3 people in each training institute who act as a coordinator for research or to be at least a contact person for information on re­search issues. It would be very helpful if these coordinators are also able to partici­pate in the RC meetings.

Download > Santander report

University of Padua / Italy. February 21st-23rd, 2013  Ending Gender Violence – Empirical Research in Psychodrama Group Therapy and Group Processes

The FEPTO Research Committee Meeting in Padua was part of a conference on “Ending gender violence. Empirical research in psychodrama group therapy and group processes“. The conference was held with about 200 participants at the historical venue of the Auditorium “Galileo Galilei“ Palazzo Bo at the University of Padua. The results of the European EMPoWER project were presented and discussed. EMPoWER is a Daphne project which was initiated and developed in the FEPTO RC in Edinburgh 2009. The conference was not only connected with the FEPTO RC Meeting, but also with the meeting of the ´Italian network of empirical research in psychody­namic group therapy´

Download > Padua report



Fernando Pessoa University of Porto/ Portugal
Bridges Between Practice and Research in Psychodrama

The FEPTO Research Committee Meeting in Porto took place right after the 3rd Joint Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) Conference. The idea was to combine these two events to enable psychodrama researchers to take part in both events. This attempt to connect research in psychodrama with research in other fields and modalities in counselling and psychotherapy can be seen as very successful. Psy­chodrama research like effectiveness studies and training research in psychodrama were presented and discussed in several panels of the SPR Meeting.

After this European SPR conference the FEPTO Research Committee Meeting “Bridges between Practice and Research in Psychodrama” was dedicated to work on ongoing research projects and to propose new projects.

Download > Porto report



Practitioner Research in Psychodrama – Research in Training and Professional Practice
24-26 of February 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria

In this FEPTO RC Meeting Célia Sales (Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa) conducted a workshop on ´Individualized patient-progress research´ and how to use it in psy­chodrama. The FEPTO RC network is seen as good starting point for this approach: “On the one hand, research questions are proposed or filtered by experienced thera­pists, thus granting its clinical relevance; on the other hand, academia contributions help to approach these questions with the methodological accuracy that is required in the scientific field.”

Download report > Sofia report 


Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) Conference in Bern
Research is a Vital Part for the Future of Psychodrama

5In the recent years the Research Committee has become a creative place to develop, to support, to share and to present research initi­atives in psychodrama. We have to be aware that psychodrama – sociometry, sociodrama, group therapy etc. – is applied in many profes­sional fields. It also offers helpful approaches to deal with development and conflict resolu­tion in and between groups and society as a whole. Although psychodrama can refer to its long tradition and to lots of experiences all over the world, it is obvious that psychodrama needs also research as a point of reference in its practice.

However, there is a need of research in many areas like psychodrama training, coun­selling and psychotherapy, social work, adult education supervision, organisational counselling and community education.

Download > Bern report

University of Innsbruck/ Austria
International Symposium on Counselling and Psychotherapy

The International Symposium on “Counselling and Psychotherapy – Research in Training and Professional Practice” started with a warm welcome for all participants. 50 participants from 14 different nations from Europe and beyond were present.

In a sociodramtic warmup expectations from different roles (researcher, psychodrama trainer, psychotherapist, trainee, client…) towards research were explored and discussed. This warm up led directly to ongoing or finished projects which were presented in the plenary.

Download > Innsbruck report



Isle of Man

In the warm-up we explored the time line from the very beginning of the Research Committee, in Roriz, Edinburgh, Catania, Boldern and Lisbon. At each phase of the journey the group re-engaged with the purpose, output and the tasks of the small groups. These served to integrate the new-comers to the committee. Continuing the idea of the time line, we went to unspecified times in the future to identify the wishes and aims of the committee and of the members.

Download > Isle of Man report


International Summer School for Psychotherapy and Counselling Research, Lisbon / Portugal

The work in our committee was at a stage where it appeared to be interesting to show the work done so far, to discuss the ongoing projects with others, and to learn about methodologies developed in the psychotherapeutic field. For that purpose we decided to organize a conference.

Autónoma UniversityWith the above-mentioned framework in mind we agreed upon co-organizing the International Summer School for Psychotherapy and Counselling Research, in Portugal. This event was organized with the Autónoma University in Lisbon, and with Célia Sales in particular, and Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicodrama.

Both, Conference and intensive training workshops, focused on the theme: Methodological diversity in psychotherapy and counselling research: qualitative-quantitative approaches. Please follow the link below for an overview:

Download > Lisbon report

Belgrade meeting of the Research Committee

In the FEPTO AM in Belgrade the Research Committee could present all the work developed so far. Each group had 10 minutes to expose their work (which you can find in last newsletter) We hope that with this information exchange more institutes will be connected and motivated to increase the research in their practice.

RC in BelgradeJasna Veljkovic presented her research “Psychodrama treatment of psychotics and adolescents-an evaluation study”. Jasna was also asked to submit her research to the “International Summer School for Psychotherapy and Counselling research” to be held in Lisbon-Portugal, 24-26 Sept. 2010.

The work group “European Projects” will submit the “anxiety project” to be discussed. Michael Wieser will submit his metanalyses work. Jutta Fürst and Hannes Krall will submit a research about PD supervision. Daniele Regianini will submit a theoretical research about the concept of inter-subjectivity. All RC members will participate in Chris Evans’ workshop about the CORE application and interpretation.

Download > Belgrade report

Research Committee meeting, Boldern / Switzerland, 26-28 February 2010

The meeting was held in Boldern/Switzerland, 26-28 February, 2010. The place and work orientations were chosen taken into account the Marie Cassel RC Evaluation Form filled after Taormina meeting

6 Sirkka Varonen was responsible for the last choice of the place, which was a hotel in the mountains near  Zurich. We were 22 participants that represented 9 countries working in psychodrama research issues. Along with the work, we get secondary benefits of the group meeting: fun, exchange, encounter, and belonging feeling.
This meeting had two main aims:

1. To go deep in the projects already began
2. To do exchanges of the work already done by the groups

Download  > Boldern report


The Catania meeting. Taormina, 16th -18th of October

Catania meeting – Sicily, in the city of Taormina, the 16th -18th of October 2009. We were 25 persons and 11 countries were represented (Austria; Bulgaria; Finland; Italy; Portugal; Romania; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkish; UK).
The main aim of this meeting was to work deeply in our previously organized working groups (Edinburgh, 2009) and, at same time to establish research lines for FEPTO.
We re-organized the working groups according to what we have done and thought during the period in between these two meetings and also according to the new comer’s needs.To read more open the bellow report.

Download > Catania report

Edingurgh meetingEdinburgh meeting

Download > Edinburgh report



Roriz meeting

In 2008 Gabriela Moita (2008-2011) got the chair of the Research Committee. Her contribution was to build a network of research committee members who regularly meet two times a year in order to initiate and discuss research projects.

In this time a first EU funded project (Ines Testoni& Maria Silvia Guglielmin) got started alongside with other pro­jects on supervision in psychodrama, evaluation in psychodrama training etc. The building of this new Research Committee network started in Roriz / Portugal 2008.

Download > Roriz report


4. FEPTO Research Committee: developments and activities


The Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organizations (FEPTO) was founded in 1996 (FEPTO News Vol. 4.8, 2004, p. 4) after several ISCOPE / ESCOPE meetings (International/ European Study and Co-ordination of Psychodrama Educa­tion) took place since 1993. In this new FEPTO network research was one of the tasks which were dealt with in a respective committee.

The first chair of the Research Committee was hold by Jorge Burmeister (1996-1998) whose aims were firstly to find “a consensus about ´basic´ theories and/ or terminol­ogy in psychodrama, secondly to define recommendations/ standards for process-oriented research in psychodrama and thirdly to define goals and methods for out­come research in psychodrama – FEPTO News Vol. 1.1, 1997, p. 2. In the first Research Committee meeting in Zurich the participants realized that common ground in psy­chodrama is difficult to achieve – FEPTO News Vol. 1.1, 1997, p. 2.

Barbara-Rose Legeler and António Roma-Torres (1998-2000) continued as joined chairpersons. Their focus was on sharing and disseminating knowledge about psy­chodrama research and inspiring members of FEPTO to do research – FEPTO News Vol. 3.1, 2000, p. 2. Marcia Karp (2000-2004) collected and presented reports on research from different countries – FEPTO News Vol. 4.1, 2002, p. 7. Michael Wieser (2004-2008) was continuing to collect information about research projects and liter­ature – FEPTO News Vol. 4.8, 2004, p. 15. An important task was to provide EAP (Eu­ropean Association of Psychotherapy) a documentation of psychodrama research to get recognition – FEPTO News Vol. 5.2, 2005, p. 6.

When Gabriela Moita got the chair of the Research Committee in 2008, she started to improve networking among FEPTO members. She invited people who are interested in psychodrama research to a meeting in Roriz / Portugal (October 2008, see above).







FEPTO Conference

17th FEPTO Conference:
From External Violence to Internal Shadow: When Psychodrama Helps To
Confront Reality

5th to 7th of May, 2023
Liege, Belgium

» Invitation

» Provisionally program

» Call for workshop facilitators

» Online registration


Annual Meeting

29th FEPTO AM:
Spontaneity and Creativity in the Transforming World
30 years of FEPTO and beyond

7th to 11th of May, 2023
Liege, Belgium

» Invitation

» Provisionally program

» Online registration



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