
Morenian Identity, Theory and Methodology

Members: Paola De Leonardis* and Marco Greco**
*Centro Studi di Psicodramma, Milan / Italy
** Studio di Psicodramma, Torino / Italy

Since 2007, within the FEPTO Research Committee, there were questions about the theoretical and methodological fundamentals of the contemporary psychodrama. In the early 2012, during the Research Committee in Porto (Portugal), a subgroup of RC members conceived the idea of finding a way for exchanging and reflecting together on these subjects. The group was composed by Gabriela Moita, Marco Greco, Ivan Fossati, Mari Rautiainen, Reijo Kauppila, Zoran Đurić, Tamara Cavic, Zsuzsa Marlok, Sirkka Varonen, Christian Stadler, Maria Guglielmin, Paola De Leonardis.

It took one year before the idea could become operative. The original group having split apart, its purpose was taken up on 2014 by the authors of this article.

Shortly we remind the aims of our sub-group research:

  1. Collect information on curricula and basic training models, within the FEPTO Training Institutes, and diffuse the results throughout the FEPTO Training Institutes;
  2. Invite the FEPTO Training Institutes to find ways to share theoretical and methodological perspectives and problems, included the PD research ones, which identify and strengthen a common Morenian identity.

We conceived two main steps for our research:

First step 2014-2016:
Psychodrama training in the manifold FEPTO world
It consists of a cognitive Survey, involving all FEPTO Training Institutes, on how Psychodrama is trained and on what theoretical and methodological contents is based.
Second step 2016-2018: A Psychodrama Essential Glossary
The task is to develop an Essential Psychodrama Glossary in collaboration with the FEPTO founding members and the chairs of the FEPTO Training Institutes.

The first step of the Survey (2014-2016) consists of a Questionnaire, sent to all FEPTO Training Institutes (downloaded from FEPTO Website). FEPTO Training Institutes are 77 in all Europe, Israel and Turkey included.
The Questionnaire is set up to gather information on the Institutes’ training organization and teaching model, and to identify the main theoretical and methodological assumptions.
The first results of the Survey were presented during the FEPTO Research Committee in Würzburg Meeting, October 10th 2015. Since then many other filled up Questionnaires were returned and we can now update the results.

More > Morenian Identity, Theory and Methodology
More > Questionnaire on Psychodrama Teaching

First step of a Survey within the FEPTO Training Institutes / May 5th 2016

As members of the RC subgroup “Morenian identity, theory and methodology”, Paola De Leonardis & Marco Greco present the final results of the first of a two steps survey directed to the FEPTO Training Institutes on the subject:

“How do we teach psychodrama, with which tools, and theoretical and methodological contents?”

Arousing questions:
– How many Institutes train for psychotherapy with psychodrama?
– How many Institutes train in Morenian PD and how many in psychoanalytic PD?
– How many Institutes include contributions of other theories? (Object relations theory, Systemic therapy, Gestalt therapy, Attachment theory…)

More and results > First step of the survey

FEPTO Research Committee: Survey by the Subgroup

Second step (2016-2018) – Our Survey on Psychodrama Training in FEPTO Training Institutes is going towards its second step. We are now studying a way to discuss and define – together with the cooperating FEPTO Training Institutes – a Glossary of PD theoretical and technical issues, to explore PD shared basis as well as the main directions of its advancements.

Following our survey on PD training organization and contents between FEPTO Training Institutes, published on FEPTO News 17.2, we are keen to know your expert opinion on some main items concerning contemporary Psychodrama. This request has been sent to all FEPTO Training Institutes and eminent psychodramatists in Europe.

Here below you find some main items divided in 4 Sections:
Section 1: Specificity of Psychodrama as a psychological or educational approach
Section 2: Integration of Psychodrama with other psychological or educational theories
Section 3: The three basic theoretical assumptions of Psychodrama
Section 4: Scientific research in Psychodrama

More > Second step of the survey

Section 1 – Specificity of Psychodrama as a psychological or educational approach
1a) Which aspect of contemporary Psychodrama interests you most, and you will express a comment on?
1b) In your opinion, what distinguishes contemporary Psychodrama in the context of other modern psychological or educational disciplines?
1c) In your experience, do you think that the present Psychodrama literature meets PD training needs? What kind of new PD literature would you actually need?

Section 2 – Integration of Psychodrama with other psychological or educational theories
2a) Psychodrama theory is often integrated with other psychological disciplines: what do you think about this general trend, and what is your own integration?
2b) What other theories/techniques/approaches do you include in your PD training?
2c) Freudian and Jungian Psychodrama is nowadays quite widespread. In your opinion, is psychoanalytic model fully, partially or not at all congruent with Morenian Classic Psychodrama?
Section 3 – The three basic assumptions of Psychodrama
3a) In your opinion, what is the importance of Morenian “spontaneity-creativity theory” inside contemporary Psychodrama and for what reasons?
3b) How important is the Morenian “role theory” inside contemporary Psychodrama and for what reasons?
3c) Along with the Morenian basic assumptions, can we speak of a “tele theory” and how important do you think it is in contemporary Psychodrama?
Section 4 – Scientific research in Psychodrama
4a) How important do you think is research for contemporary Psychodrama?
4b) Do you think reliable the scientific research applied to Psychodrama outcome and process?
4c) Which kind of research do you think more useful for the best diffusion and reliability of Psychodrama? (please, answer considering your main application field: psychotherapy, education, organizations, etc.).
Please, choose at least one section and write down, preferably in English, or in Spanish, French, German, Italian, your thought on the chosen items. You can also invite some of your colleagues, and have him/her answering questions of another section.
  1. Your contribution will be collected together with others’ of the same section.
  2. All contributions of each section will be sent back to you for revision of your part.
  3. Finally all of the collected material will be presented and used in FEPTO Research Committee and in Training Committee, and it will be sent to PD Journals in Europe, with the right to publish it.
We think that this procedure may be a good starting point for exchanging theoretical and technical ideas.We consider this work an important halfway step for reaching a shared Psychodrama Glossary, useful for our PD Training Activity as well as for creating a Common Thinking Plane.
Please, use for your contribution a .WORD or .PDF format in a file of minimum 15 lines and maximum 3 pages. Send it to:
Paola de Leonardis
Marco Greco

FEPTO Conference

17th FEPTO Conference:
From External Violence to Internal Shadow: When Psychodrama Helps To
Confront Reality

5th to 7th of May, 2023
Liege, Belgium

» Invitation

» Provisionally program

» Call for workshop facilitators

» Online registration


Annual Meeting

29th FEPTO AM:
Spontaneity and Creativity in the Transforming World
30 years of FEPTO and beyond

7th to 11th of May, 2023
Liege, Belgium

» Invitation

» Provisionally program

» Online registration



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