17th FEPTO Conference
Liège, Belgium, 5th – 7th of May, 2023
From External Violence to Internal Shadow:
When Psychodrama Helps To Confront Reality
The Conference will be organized by FEPTO with local partner: CFIP, Centre de Formation et d’Intervention Psychosociologique, Bruxelles, Belgium
We have always learned to disassociate ourselves from reality. We know that an oppressive boss, a difficult spouse, a neighborhood conflict often echo old situations.
Old situations that sometimes our participants will look for a better way out. We also know how psychodrama can unravel the impasses of these repetitions. But today, external violence intrudes into our lives: epidemics, war, climatic catastrophes, migrations, poverty…
These situations go beyond repetition but our internal shadows can nevertheless contribute to plunge us into anguish or powerlessness.
During this FEPTO meeting, we wish to explore to what extent the power of psychodrama can contribute to illuminate these shadows in order to better face the violence of reality.
Violence is not only psychic or physical violence, weapons or climate disaster but could be also contained in our algorithmic lives. The illustration was created by an public algorithm with those simple instructions: Create on manga style: In the foreground: in a room a group of ten adults sitting on chairs in a semi-circle. They are talking quietly with each other. In the background: a medium-sized window. Through the window: dark clouds, ruins, flames, a tornado and a missile – no table
To be sent on the email address: fepto.liege2023@gmail.com
Remember that as a facilitator:
- You will facilitate ONE workshop or 1.5 hours
- You will be participant for the rest of the time
- You do not need to give a title to a workshop: you will accompany the group in the here and now with your style and skills
- If you wish, you may choose to work with a co-facilitator of your choice
- You will receive a confirmation after sending your application
Here is the information we need from you (max 1 page)
- Name and surname
- Name and surname of your co-facilitator if you decide to co-facilitate
- Institut
- Psychodramatic or sociodramatic training
- Experiences in group facilitation
- Personal style
- Language to facilitate the workshop: French or English
If you have questions, write a mail to: fepto.liege2023@gmail.com
After presentation of the theme by Vincent Magos and Nikolaos Takis, it will be explored during all the days of the conference in different workshops, plenary sessions, sculptures and other media explorations.
5th of May, 2023
15.00 – 16.00 Registration
16.00 – 16.30 Welcoming and warming up by the LOC
16.30 – 17.30 Key note speaker: Vincent Magos and Nikolaos Takis
When psychodrama helps to confront reality: two voice exchange
17.30 – 19.15 Small groups and in a second time plenary session
19.30 – 22.00 Welcome Dinner and Social Encounter
6th of May, 2023
07.00 – 09.00 Breakfast
09.00 – 10.00 Plenary session
10.00 – 11.15 Workshop I (Small 4 groups, one in French)
11.15 – 11.45 Coffee break
11.45 – 13.00 Workshop II (Small 4 groups, one in French)
13.00 – 15.00 Lunch
15.00 – 17.00 Workshop III (Small 4 groups, one in French)
17.00 – 17.30 Coffee break
17.30 – 19.30 Plenary session
19.30 – 23.00 Dinner / Social activity
7th of May, 2023
07.00 – 09.00 Breakfast
09.00 – 11.15 Workshop IV (Small 4 groups, one in French)
11.15 – 11.30 Coffee break
11.30 – 13.00 Workshop V (Small 4 groups, one in French)
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 15.30 Presentation of small reflection groups
15.30 … Closure
Small changes in the program might occur.
Download > Final program
When psychodrama helps to confront reality: two voice exchange
Vincent Magos and Nikolaos Takis, PhD
Friday, the 5th of May, 16.30-17.30
Depuis toujours nous avons appris à nous décaler de la réalité. Nous savons qu’un patron oppressant, un conjoint difficile, un conflit de voisinage viennent souvent en écho avec des situations anciennes. Des situations anciennes que parfois nos participants vont rechercher pour tenter d’y trouver une meilleure issue. Nous savons aussi comment le psychodrame peut dénouer les impasses de ces répétitions.
Nous avons aussi appris à ne pas traiter comme fantasme de réels abus et à les travailler en psychodrame en évitant soigneusement de mettre du sel sur les traumas
Mais qu’en est-il de la violence externe qui vient faire intrusion dans nos vie : épidémies, guerre, catastrophes climatiques, migrations, pauvretés… Comment en tenir compte ? Les balayer en considérant que ce niveau de réalité n’est pas de notre ressort ?
Nous croyons au contraire qu’il y a lieu de les prendre en compte ainsi que l’’angoisse qu’ils suscitent. Mais nous pensons également que faire les liens avec les ombres internes et les éclairer permet de mieux affronter la violence de la réalité.
Mais il y a un second Mais, c’est de prendre en compte le fait que nous sommes plongé dans une violence ou impuissance similaire à celle dans laquelle est prise nos patients. La pandémie du COVID nous l’a rappelé avec force.
He has combined activities in public health and management of prevention programs (AIDS, prevention of abuse, support for parenthood…), to training and clinical activities.
Concerned with information to the general public, it has intervened on numerous occasions in the in the media and currently maintains a YouTube channel (@Unpsychanalyste )
He has also written four novels, a play and two short essays.
For the past several years, he has been running two weekly therapeutic psychodrama groups and and co-leads the didactic group.
Nikolaos Takis, PhD
Founder and director of “Endohora” Training Institute.
He is a Clinical Psychologist and Individual and Group Psychodynamic Psychotherapist. He holds a PhD. from the National University of Athens. He has worked for 14 years in the field of addictions’ treatment.
The last 13 years he is a Professor of Psychology in The American College of Greece and Director of the Counseling Center of the College. He is running Psychodrama groups since 2002 and training groups since 2010. He is also a group analyst and candidate psychoanalyst of the Hellenic Psychoanalytical Society.
He was a FEPTO board member from 2015 to 2021 and president from 2017 until 2021.
LOC coordinator: Nadine and Chantal Nève Hanquet
Tel: +477 85 01 03
Secretary of the Annual Meeting: Nadine Hanquet
Tel : +475 81 24 05
Email: fepto.liege2023@gmail.com