Previous conference program

Previous conference program


If you have sent a proposal for the 2020 Conference, it is no longer valid. Please register again and send a new abstract.

During this FEPTO Conference we will focus on the healing possibilities that psychodrama technics provide us, by teaching us spontaneity to allow us to be creative. As Zerka says: “To touch the autonomous healing centre is our task as therapists”. The healing can be through a game, a dance, drawing, singing, acting, talking, encounters, modelling, writing, and fantasizing. Bring your experience and knowledge of psychodrama use to “heal” psychological problems, the soul, the body, interpersonal and society relations.

In this conference we are looking for experiential workshops that will concretise and explore the possibilities of “healing” offered by Psychodrama.

The 2-hour workshops should:

  • Be in English(no translation)
  • Explore a specific topic to the theme of the conference
  • Provide a theoretical frame relevant to the theme of the conference

The proposal should be sent in by the 31st of March, 2022

  1. The title
  2. The workshop leader(s) + Short abstract, incl.
  • Topic and the approach
  • Descriptions of methods/process that will be used
  • Contact information

Sent to us your proposal as soon as possible at:



If you have sent a poster for the 2020 Conference, it is no longer valid. Please register again and send a new poster.

FEPTO, an organization assisting European and Mediterranean countries, is a great international platform for exchange and support for member institutes and all persons who are interested in psychodrama and related methods. We try to make psychodrama practice/training more effective, recognizable and fruitful for society.

Our approach is capacious and flexible, we can apply it in many forms and contexts: individual, pairs, small and large groups, clinical/psychotherapy work, education, social work, health promotion, etc.

As a FEPTO council we would like to announce and invite you to present your work as a poster which will be shown at the forthcoming FEPTO Conference and AM in Tallinn, May 2019.

The goal of this project is to open an additional space for the participants to share the current activity in the field of psychodrama (including sociodrama and sociometry) and action methods with the audience of these FEPTO annual events.

We trust, that it will be interesting for all participants to see what kind of research you are actually undertaking or what kind of best practice/training you conduct. You are friendly invited to present your good practices or/final research findings in graphic form as a poster.

Posters can be prepared by the individual member or by the team of co-authors. After the poster session the best posters will be awarded! Encourage yourself and your colleagues – get your students involved!


  • What makes a good poster?
  • Important information is readable from about 3 meter away
  • The maximum size of the poster is A0 (841×1189 mm)
  • Title is short, clear connected to the content and draws interest
  • Text is clear and to the point, use between 300 to 800 words
  • Use of bullets, numbering and headings makes it easy to follow
  • You can also use graphics, colours, charts, photos, images
  • Choose consistent and clear layout
  • Think of what the most important/interesting finding in your research or other project is,and make it visible for the readers

Posters should be prepared in English, please check language.

What software can be used to make a poster?
The easiest way to prepare a poster is to outsource this to a professional graphics company, but you can also prepare it yourself using helpful software.

You can use licensed software like Power Point (a part of Microsoft Office package) as well as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop or In Design. Another possibility is to use Open Source software like Open Office (impress is its Power Point alternative) Inkscape and Gimp (alternatives to Adobe products). For charts and diagrams, you can use e.g. Gliffy or Lovely Charts.
Please compare:

How to prepare and send your application?
Please inform us about author (co-authors) full name (s), affiliation and the title of the poster. Also send an abstract in English summarizing the content within 100 to 200 words. Include the information about the size of the printed version of your project.

The deadline for sending posters is 31 of March 2022. Confirmation of participation will be 15th March 2022. please, share your research and professional experience with others! Let your flower be visible! Make FEPTO a more flourishing organization!

Call for posters: until the 31st of March, 2022. Confirmation of participation will be 15th of April 2022. You can send your proposal using the Google Tables prepared by the LOC

Send us a proposal as soon as possible at:
Margarita Nikolovska, secretary

Please, share your research and professional experience with others! Let your flower be visible! Make FEPTO a more flourishing organization!

FEPTO Posters Committee
Judith Teszáry, Krzysztof Ciepliński and Vesna Blazevska

Please, share your research and professional experience with others! Let your flower be visible! Make FEPTO a more flourishing organization!




1. Psychodrama psychotherapy. A case of mixed anxiety depressive disorder
Svetlana Iloski
Friday, the 13th of May, 2022; 16.30 – 17.30

Key words: Psychodrama therapy; Mixed anxiety depressive disorder symptoms

Introduction: Psychodrama is a relationship-oriented approach that helps client to discover the psychological dimensions of the problems, not only by dialogues, but also, by re-experience them. Most important in this case, it helps to detect early traumas that affect the view of ourselves and of the world, it determines the decisions we make in life and often causes mental health issues.

Objectives: We describe a case of Mixed anxiety depressive disorder with some typical characteristics, such as difficulty managing fear and worry, physical symptoms, loss of enjoyment in your usual activities and sense of hopelessness and pessimism. The advantage of psychodrama therapy is resolving problems at the very core rather than overcoming the task of resolving only the symptoms.

Methods: Psychodrama therapy, Psychological testing.

Results: This 33 year-old woman was referred to our hospital in May, 2021 because of Mixed anxiety–depressive symptoms due the COVID-19 infection. The first psychological examination she had was MMPI who confirmed the referral diagnosis. After six months treatment with psychodrama therapy she reported improving feelings of safety, self-image, coping and social skills and life satisfaction. We could also confirm the change by psychological retesting in December, 2021.

Conclusion: Our goal is to increase awareness and the necessitate for psychodrama therapy in the treatment of mental illness

Svetlana Iloski: Specialist in medical psychology at the General Hospital Ohrid, at the Department of neropsychiatric diseases. Psychodrama therapist under supervision at in the Amigdala School for Psychodrama
She is highly skilled in psychological and neuropsychological assessments, psychodiagnostics and evaluation of clients with psychiatric and co-occurring disorders; group and individual psychotherapy in the interest of mental health prevention and treatment.
Professional associate of various projects in North Macedonia in the field of psychology / neuropsychology and psychopathology.
Actively participates in the work of various Associations and supports the improvement of mental health in in Northern Macedonia. She is a memeber of Amigdala School for Psychodrama, the Chamber of Psychologists of Macedonia and President, President of the Association for EMDR Therapy North Macedonia, member of the Institute for Alzheimer’s Disease and Neuroscience, Center for Psychotherapy and Education – Amigdala, Institute for Marriage, Family and Systemic practice – Alternative.


2. Does psychotherapy really heals?
Emilija Boskovska, PhD
Saturday, the 14th of May, 2022; 9.00 – 10.30

The full potential of psychotherapy is healing. The healing work provided by psychotherapy is holistic. This means that psychotherapeutic healing involves the biological, psychological and social aspects of the client. It occurs when the patient is able to grow and transform through insight and experience feelings.

The power of psychotherapy to heal has already been proven in many studies, but we are not really aware of what lies behind it all, especially since there are many therapeutic directions and yet no matter the differences the healing is happening.

Psychotherapy is an intense meeting of hearts and minds and one of the main factors for healing is the warmth of the personality of the therapist.

This paper tries to extract the main factors that lead to healing in clients and reduces them to the personal characteristics or super powers of the therapist. Empathy, compassion, positive acceptance, active listening, warmth, authenticity and congruence are already known factors but the question which remains is how much and to what extent they are present in each of us.

How much are we aware of our own superpower? How much the personal self-actualization of the psychotherapist determines his/her efficiency in healing? are some of the questions that are being discussed in this paper.

Emilija Boskovska PhD: Doctor of Psychological Sciences and Assistant Professor at MIT University where he teaches a group of courses in the field of psychology. Licensed psychologist with a special license for health psychology – psychotherapy. Gestalt therapist with 20 years of experience in private practice and part of the team of the Center for Psychotherapy and Education – Amigdala.

Member of the Management Board of the Chamber of Psychologists, President of the Section for Psychological Tests and member of several working groups of the Chamber. Advisor at the State Examination Center.

Author co-author of many papers and books in the field of psychology and active participant in many conferences and workshops. Certified trainer of mobbing trainers.

Workshop from Ohrid 2022 Conference / session I

1.Bibliodrama in the shadow of a war
Kerstin Jurdell
Saturday, the 14th of May, 2022; 11.00 – 13.00

Bibliodrama is playing mythological stories from the Bible where I use psychodramatic methodology and philosophy as a director. The stories may be changed in the improvisation of the group and in the directing. During this spring a regularly bibliodrama group met in the Swedish church. I was surprised when I realized how therapeutic the different stories from the Bible had been during the spring. In the seminar I will tell about the process the group went through and we will also play one of the stories.

The book of Esther (from the Christian Old Testament). The book relates the story of a Hebrew woman in Persia, born as Hadassah but known as Esther, who becomes queen of Persia and thwarts a genocide of her people.

Kerstin Jurdell: TEP, MA, former member of the FEPTO board, Sweden.


2. Healing as a group learning process
Irina Ștefănescu
Saturday, the 14th of May, 2022; 11.00 – 13.00

Healing in a professional group through sociodrama. The cultural atom serves wonderfully a group of professionals to understand, accept and develop their roles repertoire. When the relationships and higher alliances are quite controversial in the work processes and, as a consequence, passionate professionals get to lose their drive and focus, sunk in eroding conflicts, this cultural atom needs to be seen in the dynamics of the workflow. We can invite the professionals to see when some of their roles or role clusters change so much, that they need to reconsider accepting or negotiating, learning or changing those roles. While learning about their work from different perspectives, in action, the group starts to heal many of the relational wounds and finds new ways to find meaning and joy, individually and collectively.

I have developed a combination of the cultural atom and process mapping during an intervention for a highly specialised team working in an international shared service centre.

Methods and process: Sociodrama and action methods, cultural atom, process mapping. Will develop a group story or will start from a person’s story and will develop it into a group’s story.

Theoretical frame: A combination of cultural atom and process mapping helps heal the struggles in the professional relationships

Irina Ștefănescu: Curious learning and development partner for people and their organisations in Romania or abroad, Irina uses various roles to accompany the learning journeys: coach, facilitator, trainer, consultant, mentor, supervisor or student. She is a devoted practitioner and promoter of sociodrama, psychodrama and other action methods. Member of ARPsiC, British Psychodrama Association and iSCAN.

3. Psychodrama and Expressive Art Therapy Approaches for helping children deal with their anxiety and fears
Lydia Yordanova
Saturday, the 14th of May, 2022; 11.00 – 13.00

Children’s minds and emotions are constantly changing and developing, and they do not all develop at the same rate. That is why it is really important to distinguish normal fears from those that require special attention and try to help children deal with them.

This workshop is going to present a variety of psychodrama techniques and expressive arts therapy approaches like music, play, drawing and dance/movement approaches, that enable children to cope with their fears and anxiety, caused by traumas, loss, abuse, and other risk factors that may affect their ability to reach their full academic and personal potentials.

Theoretical frame: A child’s world is full of dangers, real and imaginary, that many adults forget they ever experienced. Most childhood fears are normal, temporary, and eventually outgrown, but studies still show that fears and anxiety are among the most common reasons for serious distress, unusual or disruptive behavior, negative interactions, all of them affecting child’s development and educational range. In a high proportion of cases, it turns out that the symptoms of an adult anxiety disorder first appeared in childhood, so treatment of abnormal childhood anxiety is not only important for its own sake but may help prevent adult disorders.

Methods/process that will be used Psychodrama techniques and expressive arts therapy approaches like music, play, drawing and dance/movement approaches

Lydia Yordanova MSc in Applied Psychology, Psychodrama Director, Founder and Manager of ZS Consult Educational, Counselling and Training Centre in Varna, Member of the Bulgarian Psychological Society, Member of IAGP, Member of ASGPP, President of the Balkan Association in Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy

Since 2007 I have been working in the field of school psychology and psychodrama, leading seminars and trainings with school teachers, students, kindergarten children, parents. Founder and manager of ZS Consult Educational, Counselling and Training Centre, located in Varna, Bulgaria. For 14 years now the Center has been the main organizer of National and International Conferences and other events regarding school psychology matters. Main organizer of the First Balkan Conference in Psychodrama, Sociodrama and Other Action Methods in Education “Pippi Longstocking and the Modern World”, that took place in July, 2, 2019, near Varna, with participants from all over the world.

4. Object relations, schizo-paranoid and depression position – Externalization of the inner world on psychodrama stage.
Dusan Potkonjak, Sanja Životić, Jasna Veljkovic, PhD
Saturday, the 14th of May, 2022; 11.00 – 13.00

At this workshop we will show on the psychodrama stage, object relations in the period of early development as well as in the clinical practice. We will also explore our object relationships in the group “here and now” and possibly wider – in our macrocosm.

Visually, at the stage, we will follow the splitting mechanism, how the objects are split up and merged. Members of the group will be able to see, follow and experience these complicated processes externalized on the psychodrama stage.

We will then, possibly, be able to investigate the fluctuations between the schizo-paranoid and depressive position and experience the various types of object relations with the partial and whole external and internal objects on the scene.

Participants can be in the roles of both partial and whole objects and communicate with one another, verbally and non-verbal. Through the role reversal and other psychodrama techniques, we will show that the externalization of the inner world at the psychodrama stages achieves a better understanding of one’s own inner reality. It is a prerequisite to establish more open, clearer and more realistic communication with another person, to improve the interpersonal relationships and to create conditions for interpersonal learning.

Theoretical frame: Object relations are the relationships of a person with psychologically important other persons (objects). These relationships are created from the very beginning of life in the communication of the baby and its environment, primarily in communication with the primary object – mother. A real mother, and later many other important people in life, are external objects. But our world consists of an external reality and an inner world which affect one another from the beginning and throughout life, through repeated cycles of projection and introjection mechanisms. In this way, internal objects are formed in our inner world – the internal representations of real persons where they are transformed and do not entirely correspond to the external reality.

In a schizo-paranoid position, baby, using the mechanism of splitting, divides the object into good and bad and thus forms partial objects, according to which baby relates as they are different people. Although unsustainable in the long run, this process is very important for further development, as it ensures the establishment of a sufficiently good internal object, which is the basis for further development and successful entry into the depressive position. In it, the baby realizes that good and bad partial objects (“good and bad breast”) are the same person and begins – through the process of ambivalence, feelings of guilt, grief and need for reparation – to merge them into a single, whole object with which it enters in object relationship. These positions are not just developmental phases, but these states are repeated in life and can be observed in clinical work.

Methods/process:  Psychodrama techniques, Group dynamic, Encounter

Dusan Potkonjak, MD, neuro-psychiatrist, trainer of British Psychodrama Association since 1994. Main trainer of SPA 1988 started first psychodrama training group in Belgrade. Graduated in advanced psychodrama in UK, BPA, 1991. His primary trainer was Marcia Karp student of J. L. Moreno. Fulfilled 1300 hours in diploma course in GA, overseas training. His special interest is possibility of compatible integration of Psychodrama – Moreno, Group Analysis – S.H. Foulkes, Interpersonal Group Psychotherapy –Irvin D. Yalom, to explore group process on psychodrama stage.

Dr. Sanja Životić, psychodrama therapist, in training for psychodrama trainers. Child and adolescent psychiatrist in the Clinical Center “D.Mišović”, Belgrade. Integrates psychodrama with elements of psychodynamic therapy, especially Klein theory of object relations, about which she is additionally educated.

Jasna Veljkovic, PhD in Psychotherapy, Clinical Psychologist, Psychodrama Therapist and Trainer. Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences. Co-founder of Psychodrama in the ex-Yugoslavia (YUPA, BPC), trainer of SPA Moreno. Member of IAGP, FEPTO and EA of Fulfilled 1300 h Diploma Course in GA, overseas training. Published four books on Psychodrama in Serbia, co-author of the book “Psychodrama in images” and more than 50 articles on Psychotherapy.

Workshop session II

1. Your Heroic Successes in Psychodrama
Marcia Karp
Saturday, the 14th of May, 2022; 15.00 – 17.00

What worked and why? Show us.  How something worked gives courage to invent again. Learning from your successes as director, protagonist and auxiliary will be the focus of the workshop.

Marcia Karp, MA, TEP United Kingdom Distinguished Fellow IAGP; Fellow, Jacob and William Moreno Awards, ASGPP; Founding and Honorary Member FEPTO; Past Honorary President BPA; Co-Editor Handbook of Psychodrama; Psychodrama Since Moreno. Innovation in Theory and Practice; Psychodrama: Inspiration and Technique;  Lifetime Achievement Awards BPA and ASGPP

2. Using sociometry for healing relationships: a developmental approach
Jacomien Ilbrink-de Visser
Saturday, the 14th of May, 2022; 15.00 – 17.00

Sociometry is a powerful tool to explore the social-emotional relationships that are present in the here and now in the room. Exploring these relationships is effectuated by tuning in to oneself in relationship to the others, in order to become aware of our personal preference choices, that are not always conscious.

Indeed, choices are being made whether we give them our attention or not. Knowing the basis of our choices, and the choices others are making, raises personal awareness about our choices, which helps us to heal connections.

Sociometry can be challenging for participants, as it will uncover how participants see each other. However, in the process, this therefore also dismantles projections. In this way, participants become each other’s therapeutic agents., helping to see each other for whom they truly are.

Aim of this workshop is to build relationships in the group and create awareness about healing in relationship.

Methods/process: Sociometry with Moreno’s Development Theory as guideline

Jacomien Ilbrink-de Visser, Creative Arts Therapist, CP, TEP in training, current chair of the Psychodrama Association for Europe e.V.


3. Who am I without my masks?
Slavica Novevska
Saturday, the 14th of May, 2022; 15.00 – 17.00

How I show up? What makes us hide our true selves? What are we worried that others will see? Sometimes this moment comes when I want to just be. Being “just me” sounds so simple, yet sometimes it’s most difficult. Enjoy this dive inside of you, to find yourself.

To observe myself, on how I show up versus how I want to be seen, to find the gap in how we want others to see us.

There are moments when we don’t feel we are showing our true selves. Use the Layout Chart to realign to your true self.

We recommend doing this Layout Chart using the Faces Cards from Faces. As always connect to your thoughts and emotions and see how you are in this moment. When you feel connected, open your eyes, spread your cards and be open to hearing the insights that they bring.

Innovative tools and training for professional and personal development. POY tools use the powerful language of today’s world , the language of photos, that inspire and provokes the mind. Professionals around the world use the tools to create meaningful communication in various settings, gain insight and have a real impact on people’s life. The work is based on the belief that everything around us has countless points of view. People, objects, experiences, places–everything. Countless points of view.

When we don’t understand something or someone , it is probably our perspective is to limited for us to see. When we can’t see , we can’t decide, we can’t communicate , we feel stuck . We find it hard to take the next step…

One of the tools I will use is Faces.

New game, new magic. Faces is all about people and the way we reflect one another. Faces is game about how I see my self through observing others. Faces helps us to get to know our significant others from new perspectives; it raises questions regarding our relationships and the parts or roles we choose to take in them.

Slavica Noveska: Graduate Economist in the field of Marketing Management Non-formal education/Freelancer. Professional trainer for adults. Training topics : organizational culture and behavior and their relationship with intrinsic motivation, employee motivation, interpersonal communication skills, corporate communication, types of conflict and ways of resolving conflict, types of leadership. Facilitator – training and certification for the application of the tools and methodology Points Of You®. Certified Points Of You® Methodology Trainer. Work in groups and individually, on topics of everyday life.

4. Constellation Work between Gestalt Therapy and Psychodrama
Emilija Stoimenova-Canevska, Lidija Pecotic
Saturday, the 14th of May, 2022; 15.00 – 17.00

Is Constellation work caught between Gestalt therapy and Psychodrama? This is a question that deserves attention. Constellation’s work has a lot of similarities with both Gestalt therapy and Psychodrama. Just to mention a few: the phenomenological perspective, in attempting to work with “not knowing,” as in Gestalt therapy, or expanding possibilities for use of psychodrama techniques. Using them practically in everyday life, the complex interrelations that are present among the three is the opening door for further improvement, especially with Gestalt therapy on a level of exploration of the unseen tights and laces, transgenerational codes, and embedment in field theory. And besides having so much in common, they are still different in the client-therapist relationship, level of embodiment, and definitely not replaying certain situations that bother us. The workshop will focus on similarities and differences, but mainly on the uniqueness of the constellation work demonstrated through the practical presentation. 

Prof. Dr. Emilija Stoimenova Canevska is a licensed health psychologist and psychotherapist, certified trainer, and supervisor, who has a distinctive connection between academic and clinical practice. She has 30 years of work experience in the state and the private, health, and academic sector. She is the founder of the first European accredited psychotherapeutic training institute in Macedonia, and since 2005 she is the first holder of the European Certificate in Psychotherapy. Committed to the advancement of psychological and psychotherapeutic activity, she is a member of the board of directors of EGN, as well as of the scientific and organizational board of different European and World Conferences and Congress.

Her career embraces many activities – creating psychology and psychotherapy programs, teaching and supervising across Balkan and Europe, and writing scientific and professional articles and books/chapters within the books.

Lidija Pecotić is an international Gestalt trainer, supervisor and therapist. She has a Masters’s degree in Clinical Psychology (University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1986). She completed her Doctorate Studies in Clinical Psychology (University of Belgrade, Serbia, 1994). 2002 she obtained an EAGT, European Certificate for Gestalt Psychotherapy as well as an ECP (European Certificate for Psychotherapy).

She is the founder and Director of EAPTI-GPTI Malta, NCFHE 2014-FHI-020 since 1996, and EAPTI-SE Belgrade since 1990. She is co-founder of various Gestalt Psychotherapy Training Institutes and Professional Psychotherapy Associations.
She is the Editor of two Gestalt Journals, in Malta and Serbia

Workshop session III

1. The Transformative Wisdom of Healing Dreams played in psychodrama in the Time of War and Pandemic
Maurizio Gasseau
Saturday, the 14th of May, 2022; 17.30 – 19.30

The author before starting the workshop will explain what is Jungian psychodrama and how used dream in psychodrama in a support online group with Ukrainian colleagues and with Russian colleagues in another psychodrama group, during the war time.

Jungian psychodrama is a theory of psychodramatic technique, articulated in a complex model of conduction and observation. It derives from Jung’s analytical theory on dreams, from his concepts of the personal and collective unconsciousness, of archetypal images and individuation as well as S.H. Foulkes’ concepts of the net and the personal and basic matrix.

The conductor will demonstrate how to play dreams belonging to different categories: symbolic dreams, visio-dreams, nightmares, oracle dreams, recurring dreams and social dreams. He will demonstrate the dream incubation technique according to the ancient medicine of Asclepion and the utilization of opening and closing rituals. Two or three dreams will be played in the workshop.

After the final sharing, there will be an observation which will communicate the sense of the dreams which have been played, using a narrative style. It will enrich the plays with mythopoeic amplifications and will try to connect individual themes to the group’s collective unconsciousness as well as to the transcultural themes of this time of war, pandemic and economic crisis and dramatic climate change.

Topic: Play dreams and continue to dream in psychodrama are healing power in psychodrama.

The approach: It will be Jungian psychodrama, a theory of psychodramatic technique, articulated in a complex model of conduction and observation. It derives from Jung’s analytical theory on dreams, from his concepts of the personal and collective unconsciousness, of archetypal images and individuation as well as S.H. Foulkes’ concepts of the net and the personal and basic matrix.

Methods/process: The author before starting the workshop will explain what is Jungian psychodrama and how used dream in psychodrama in a support online group with Ukrainian colleagues and with Russian colleagues in another psychodrama group, during the war time.

After a ritual of presentation and confidentiality, in the warm up the conductor will demonstrate the dream incubation technique according to the ancient medicine of Asclepion, than group members will share dreams in pairs and two or three protagonists will play dreams. After the final sharing there will be a narrative observation which will communicate the sense of the dreams which have been played, using a narrative style. It will enrich the plays with mythopoeic amplifications and will try to connect individual themes to the group’s collective unconsciousness as well as to the transcultural themes of this time of war, pandemic and economic crisis and dramatic climate change.

Maurizio Gasseau, associate professor of Dynamic psychology at the University of Aosta. Past-Chair of the Psychodrama Section of International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP), is a Jungian analyst, certified psychotherapist and psychodramatist in Italy as well as leader of training groups all over the world. His main interests are researching Dreams in Psychodrama in Social Dreaming Matrix and working on trangenerational topics. He is co-founder of Jungian Psychodrama theory in 1978, and founder of Psychodramatic Social Dreaming Matrix in 2006.

Co – founder of FEPTO Task Force for Peace Building and Conflict Transformation. Author of more than ninety publications. received the FEPTO Excellence Award in 2017.

A meeting with the stony heart. The healing power of the group after pandemia
Sofia Symeonidou
Saturday, the 14th of May, 2022; 17.30 – 19.30

The stony heart I am referring to is that place within us where much has been stored up and compressed in these past two years. It is the struggle for survival in every way, for each and every one of us. If this inner place becomes a meeting point for all people to publicly accept admission rather than avoidance, then it is better taken care of. This place could even almost be a vestige of a pagan deity, but it is definitely a place as old as the stones on the hills.

In this workshop, while we will be together again in a natural place, it will be an opportunity to share and take care of those which all of this has taken a toll on. To connect with the outer place, nature and the group again, we will seek to unfurl and un-numb from the isolation and to share the stony heart.

The circle of the Psychodrama group, an international group, can become the embrace which everyone has missed, and it can raise the need for contact and trust that is always present.

Let us find the courage to feel where we are, where the pandemic, war, difficulties have relocated us to; let us join experiences and emotions -which are not individual problems but a part of everyday life- so as to exorcise dystopia. To soften the stone within us!

Theoretical frame: The collective trauma of pandemia in a psychodramatic cycle.
Method/technique: Sociometry, Psychodrama, Sociodrama and Group Work

Sofia Symeonidou lives in Greece. She has a Degree in Social and Behavioral Sciences with a Major in Psychology. In 2002, she was awarded a Diploma in Psychodrama and Group Psychotherapy. She works as a psychodrama therapist, and she is the main Trainer, as well as the Director of the Center for the Study and Application of Psychodrama in Thessaloniki – a member of FEPTO.

Since 1997, she has been working in the Human Rights field in cooperation with ARSIS (Social Organization for Youth Support), which is a Greek NGO. She has provided training in Human Rights for young people, young offenders and youth in danger of Social Exclusion. She provides supervision to scientific personnel, and social scientists of ARSIS, and other Organizations. The last six years she has been utilizing her extensive experience in organizing and monitoring new methodologies to offer support to social scientists working in the field with refugees. She is a member of IAGP (International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes).

3. Creativity in therapy with reluctant clients: Can creativity be learned?
Roger Schaller
Saturday, the 14th of May, 2022; 17.30 – 19.30

In psychodrama we have various techniques to stimulate spontaneity and initiate a creative bodily action. But what can we do if a client is not willing or able to do so?

Successful psychotherapy is often assumed to depend on a client’s willingness to participate and his or her motivation to change. Imagine a client who is not willing to be spontaneous: this client does not want to talk, play, dance, sing, draw or fantasize – what will you do?

In this workshop we will experience how elements of psychodrama can be useful to get reluctant clients to actively participate in therapy and reflect on their attitudes, situation and behaviour. And we will explore the concept of creativity: What does it mean to be creative in psychodrama? Can we see, feel or measure creativity?

In this workshop we will approach the concept of creativity in psychodramatic case studies based on some theories I have described in the book «Imagine you are…». Participants can contribute case studies from their own practice in this experiential workshop.

Theoretical frame: I elaborated the theoretical frame in my book: Imagine you are…Role Play in Individual Therapy, Counselling and Coaching (Lulu, 2019)

Roger Schaller is a practicing psychotherapist, traffic psychologist, trainer and supervisor. He is board member of the Swiss Associations for Psychodrama and the Swiss Association for Traffic Psychology as well as head of the Swiss Institute for Psychodrama and Action Methods  He has authored numerous books on psychodrama and role play.


4. Experience of sociodramatic work in Russia during the events of 2022
Pavel Kornienko
Saturday, the 14th of May, 2022; 17.30 – 19.30

I think that this topic might be of interest to colleagues who are interested in sociodramatic work with the community in times of social crisis. Sociodramatic forms of work allow us to use the power of psychodrama for large and small groups.

At the workshop I want to share my experience of conducting face-to-face and online sociodramatic workshops for group participants in Russia during the events of Spring 2022. I will tell about the good effects that we were able to do for the participants of the groups in this work. And also, I will open up my vision of tasks, purposes and phases in such work. As a result of the reflection on the work done I will make a brief guideline that can be useful in working with acute social crises. At the workshop we will do a few of the most interesting group sociodramatic exercises from this work.

At the workshop there will be a short story and a reflection on my experience. And after, we will do some of the most interesting group sociodramatic exercises from this work.

Theoretical frame: The main tools in the proposed work were all-group psychodramatic role-playing and getting into the roles of other people.

Pavel Kornienko  — psychologist, psychodramatist, psychodrama trainer and supervisor. Member of IAGP. Head and lead trainer of long-term professional psychodrama education in Moscow, Ryazan, Yaroslavl, Ufa (Russia), Chisinau (Moldova) and other cities. Head of the Psychodrama School “Contemporary Psychodrama Workshop” (Moscow).

Workshop session IV

1.  The psychodynamic body in play 
Chantal Nève-Hanquet, Georgios Chaniotis, PhD
Sunday, the 14th of May, 2022; 9.00 – 11.00

The psychodramatic virtual play offers a special directive space. Contrary to the conventional psychodrama, it shows the possibility of viewing me (meaning, to play and view myself at the same time). Vision conference develops in that way the mirror effect and offers an experience and specific representations of the body. The workshop, being experimental above all, will give the possibility for situations that are recommended from the participants to get up on stage. At a subsequent time, a possibility will be given for us to wonder about the positioning of the body, using a recognitional base in three levels:

  • The imaginary body
  • The real body
  • The symbolic body

The workshop will cater to both the English and French speaking.

Chantal Nève-Hanquet: Psychologist, psychodramatist, Jungian psychoanalyst, didacticist member at the SBPA (Belgian Society of Analytical Psychology). Trainer in systemic family therapy, at the Provincial Higher Institute of Socio-Educational Training of Namur. Member of the Group of Trainers in Family Therapy, EFTA (European Family Therapy Association). She created with Jacques Pluymaekers the “Landscape Genogram” (approach centered on the skills and obstacles acquired from her family history).
Works on the issues of transgenerational transmission and the place of the body in therapeutic work. Team Supervisor.

Member of CFIP (Centre for Training and Intervention in Psychosociology). Board member. Trainer in France and Bulgaria. Coordinator of the psychodrama and role-playing training program at CFIP.

Georgios Chaniotis, PhD is a Clinical Psychologist, specialized in Psychodrama-Sociodrama and Group Analysis (Small-Large Groups). He holds a DESS in Clinical Psychology and Pathology from Paris VII University (1986) and DEA of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine History at Paris II University (1989).

He specializes in Paris in W. Reich Psychotherapy at the “École Reichienne de Paris”, in Mascotherapy at the “Institut de Mascothérapie”, in Psychodrama at CEFFRAP and attended “Vidéo and Group” seminars at Paris-Saint-Cloud. He has specialized in Group Analysis in the Greek Society for Group Analysis and Psychotherapy – HAGAP.

Working as a Psychologist / Psychotherapist / Psychodramatist since 1993, he is currently a Psychologist at the Social Service of the Municipality of Agios Dimitrios since 1996 of which he was a founding member and organized the “Helios”

Prevention Center for drug addictions of the Municipalities of Agios Dimitrios and Nea Smyrni OKANA (Organization against drugs).

He was a therapist at the “Salamina Therapeutic Community” Navy Base, Navy Military Hospital and since 2015 at the Therapeutic Community “Kypseli” at HAGAP- EOAK, Neo Psichiko.

Scientific Member of HAGAP-EOAK since 1995, Director of Psychodrama and Sociodrama Zones, as well as trainer and supervisor since 2005.

He organized and held the Scientific Directorate of the 5th International Conference on Sociodrama in Kos 2015 and became a member of the International Committee of Advisors of the International Sociodrama Conference.

Since 2010 he has been convener of the Large Group “Koinonia” at HAGAP-EOAKHe has participated in International Conferences as a Psychodramatist and Group Analyst and represents HAGAP-EOAK in the FEPTO.

Full Member of the Group Analytic Society in London (1998-2010) and Member of IAGP (2003-2009). He is also a Founding Member of the “Society for the Study of Greek Hebraism”, of the “Albert Cohen Literary Workshop” in Paris and “Foundation Memory A. Cohen” in Corfu.


2. You Are Not Your Symptoms  
Judith Teszáry
Sunday, the 14th of May, 2022; 9.00 – 11.00

The hypothesis: The use of psychodrama with psychosomatic patients is more effective than verbal therapies. Psychosomatic states are characterized by the lack of ability to symbolise, the lack of spontaneity, low emotional expressiveness and low stress tolerance. Very often the patient is not aware of the connection between the bodily symptoms and the psychosocial and environmental factors. In their daily life, the patients act within a reduced role repertoire where the overdeveloped psychosomatic roles dominate. The rationale is that psychodrama is effective in creating clear emotional states, providing symbols for experiences of emotional significance and providing tools to integrate repressed memories of early, often pre-verbal traumatisation. A need for new methods, a new approach and above all a new way of thinking about stress-related diseases are necessary. Health psychology and in particular the contribution of Prof. Aaron Antonovsky, a medical social scientist is of utmost help for a better understanding of psychosomatic diseases. The workshop is experiential. It gives an opportunity to explore and learn how to transform bodily symptoms into mental structures.

The body is carrying both the despairs and the desires.

Judith Teszáry is a psychodrama and sociodrama trainer and supervisor, international lecturer and private practitioner. She worked as a psychologist in the Stockholm City Child Care department in seventeen years. She has been working with psychosomatic patients in a research and treatment project at the Swedish Stress Research Department. Founding member of FEPTO, served as president of the federation for six years. She is a member of the Task Force for Peace Building and Conflict Transformation group using the method of Sociodrama in conflict areas. She is the chair of the Swedish Association of Psychodramatists.

Sociodrama the Art and Science of Social Change, eds. Sociodrama-network editorial board, 2022;
Teszary, J. Psychodrama with Psychosomatic Patients, International Journal of Psychotherapy, vol .21, no. 2, June 2017
Sociodrama in a Changing World, ed. Ron Wiener, Di Adderley & Kate Kirk, 2011, Lulu;
Teszary, J. (2011) Projection and projective Learning in Psychotherapy and Training, ed. Hannes Krall, Jutta Fürst & Pierre Fontaine identification as mechanisms in the creation of an enemy. In Sociodrama in the Changing World. 213-217. Lulu.
Teszary, J. (2011) The Semitic Brothers. In Sociodrama in the Changing World. 217-223. Lulu. Supervision in Psychodrama, Experiential Fontaine, 2013, Springer
Teszary, J. Supervision – a Triangle of Drama in Transition, 129-138 Psykosomatisk läkekonst (Psychosomatic Art of Healing), ed. Theorell. T., Konarski. K. 1991, NoK, Stockholm När orden inte räcker (When words Are not Enough), ed. Theorell. T., 1998, NoK, Stockholm;
Teszary, J. Psychodrama, 130-170 Skapande ögonblick (Creative Moments), ed. Hans Berglind, Cura, 1998, Stockholm;
Teszary, J. När jälen möter kroppen (When the Soul Meets the Body), 120-145


3.  Thrive! Regenerative economies: an explorative sociodrama to co-create well-being
Jacomien Ilbrink-de Visser, Irina Ștefănescu
Sunday, the 14th of May, 2022; 9.00 – 11.00

Create well-being in a new economy in which life is for living and thriving! War is not a part of this! Therefore we will not focus on war, but focus on putting our minds together to create a healthy economy. An economy that is designed to thrive for all beings, rather than aimed at growth.

Continuous growth is not, and has never been, sustainable. We were wrong to believe that. How can we have an IMPACT and THRIVE? The regenerative economy is based on nature-positive impact. Moreno already envisioned countering the socio-dynamic effect, that is: to break with an economy in which resources always come back to the same people. Instead, Moreno was aiming to redistribute wealth. Nowadays, we would rather say well-being than wealth.

Come and explore with us by sociodramatic means how to co-create new economies around the world for people to thrive and experience well-being. What do we need to do and what small steps can we take today? Let’s put our minds together to co- create a better future for all!

It’s time for change! Climate change, destruction, victims of war – we all yearn for a promising future. A future in which IMPACT is central, not money, power or growth.

Theoretical Frame: Countering the socio-dynamic effect, as Moreno envisioned, so that scarce resources are redivided and all people can thrive

Method: Sociodrama

Jacomien Ilbrink-de Visser, Creative Arts Therapist, CP, TEP in training, current chair of the Psychodrama Association for Europe e.V.

Irina Ștefănescu Coach, Facilitator, Trainer, Consultant, Mentor, Supervisor and Student. Practitioner Sociodrama, Psychodrama and other Action Methods. Member of ARPsiC, British Psychodrama Association and iSCAN.

4. The social atom as a clinical instrument

Kamilė Plėšnytė-Čapkauskienė, Beatričė Aukštuolytė,
Jurgita Radzevičienė, Birutė Lukšaitė

Sunday, the 14th of May, 2022; 9.00 – 11.00

This workshop explores the diagnostic potential of social atom diagrams in clinical psychiatric diagnostic of patients aged 7 to 17. The study‘s main focus was on comparing the social atom diagrams between the study group and general population as well as revealing connections between psychiatric disorders and diagrams‘ unique features.

Method: A retrospective case-control study was conducted. The paper focused on comparing the properties in social atom diagrams of children/adolescents in the age group of 7-17 with psychiatric disorders to that of the general population of the same age. Overall 332 diagrams of social atom were analyzed. Control group included 274 diagrams while clinical group consisted of 58 charts. The patients in clinical group were all treated in Vilnius University Hospital, Child Development Center in duration from 12/2019 to 05/2020.

Sample’s sociological data was considered as well as features of SoA diagrams. Descriptive statistics criteria Spearman ’s rank correlation, Mann-Whitney and Chi-square tests were used. With statistical significance level being p<0,05.








Kamilė Plėšnytė- Čapkauskienė: Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos, Child Development Center, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Beatričė Aukštuolytė: Druskininkai Primary Health Care Centre, Mental Health Department,
Druskininkai, Lithuania

Jurgita Radzevičienė: Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos, Child development Center,
Vilnius, Lithuania

Birutė Lukšaitė: Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos, Child development Center,
Vilnius, Lithuania






FEPTO Conference

17th FEPTO Conference:
From External Violence to Internal Shadow: When Psychodrama Helps To
Confront Reality

5th to 7th of May, 2023
Liege, Belgium

» Invitation

» Provisionally program

» Call for workshop facilitators

» Online registration


Annual Meeting

29th FEPTO AM:
Spontaneity and Creativity in the Transforming World
30 years of FEPTO and beyond

7th to 11th of May, 2023
Liege, Belgium

» Invitation

» Provisionally program

» Online registration



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