
Research Committee Chair


Halaskargazi Mah. Matbaacı
Osmanbey Sok. 67-3, Şişli
34371 ISTANBUL, Turkey
Tel: +90 530 964 63 42

She graduated from Kabataş High School in 1999 and Hacettepe University, Department of Psychology in 2005. Between 2007 and 2009, she continued her Master’s Program in Medical Psychology, conducted under the Department of Psychiatry at Eskişehir Osmangazi University. In 2014, she received her “Clinical Psychology” specialty degree from Istanbul Bilgi University Clinical Psychology Master’s Program with her thesis titled ‘Could Forum Theater Technique Be Effective on Beliefs Towards Mental Illnesses and Attitudes Towards Psychological Help-Seeking?’

With her thesis at Dr. Abdülkadir Özbek Psychodrama Institute -a member of IAGP and FEPTO – on using psychodrama in theater education, she assumed the title of ‘Psychodrama Therapist’. She continues her education at the Marmara University Faculty of Medicine’s Medical Education Doctorate Program. She works as a Psychodrama Assistant-Instructor, and she is a member of the Research Board at the Dr. Abdülkadir Özbek Psychodrama Institute and board member of the FEPTO Council.

She is the Founder and Board Member of the Play Therapy Association. She is the Founder and Board Member of the Bir İZ Association in the field of Individual and Community Mental Health. In 2018, she completed the Istanbul Bilgi University Creative Movement Certificate Program.

She conducts dance and creative movement group sessions with groups. She works with the public, private sector, and non-governmental organizations to expand community mental health services and to build a life sensitive to mental health everywhere for everyone. She continues her clinical studies with individuals and groups in Çatı Atölye founded by her. She attends the Community Mental Health, Body Awareness, and Here & Now courses as a visiting lecturer at the Istanbul Faculty of Medicine.


Johannes KRALL


Hannes Krall

a.o. Univ.-Prof.MMag. Dr.

Address: University of Klagenfurt
Institute of Educational Sciences and Research
Universitaetsstr. 56-67
9020 Klagenfurt, Austria


Tel.: + 43 463 2700 1244


I started my study of Psychology at the University of Graz. Later on, I moved to the University of Klagenfurt where I graduated in Educational Sciences and Psychology.
In 1992 I began to work in educational sciences at the University of Klagenfurt. I participated in a course on Action Research at the University of Norwich, and I was for three month a visiting scholar at Stanford University. My dissertation was focusing on a social psychological project on right wing populism in Austria. Later on for my habilitation as a university professor, I was working on violence and trauma of children and young people.
During my study of education and psychology at the University of Klagenfurt I got to know psychodrama in 1988-89. Psychodrama and a social psychoanalytical approach became important for my ethnographic studies on youth cultures and on political right wing movements.
In 1991 I started my psychodrama training in Austria (ÖAGG).

As a psychotherapist I worked for several years in an institute for family counselling and psychotherapy and in a child protection centre. I am also trained in organisational counselling and supervision, and I am providing training courses for supervisors and coaches. Now I am working as psychotherapist, counsellor and supervisor in a private practice.

Since 2007 I am trainer for psychodrama at the University of Innsbruck. I am also trainer for supervision, coaching and organizational counselling in the Austrian Society of Groupdynamics and Grouptherapy (ÖAGG). From 2001 to 2015 I was trainer for psychodrama in the Austrian Society for Group therapy and Group dynamics (ÖAGG).

Participation in FEPTO: In 2007 I attended the Annual FEPTO Meeting in Alaçati/Turkey. One year later in Glasgow I joined the Research Committee as a member. From 2011 to 2015 I was chair of FEPTO Research Committee. In 2015 I got the role as a president of FEPTO for two years. During this time, I was co-chairing the Research Committee.

With a collaborative effort we have organized two FEPTO RC Meetings per year in different European countries. Our main aim is to strengthen research capacity in our community and to foster a psychodrama research culture. In the past years I worked on projects like:

– Practitioner research in psychodrama
– Psychodrama effectiveness research
– TRAIN: Towards Research Applied in International Networks of Trainees
– Psychodrama with children
– Supervision in psychodrama training: study on outcome and helpful aspects

I am also very interested in research methodology, train the trainers and in transcultural work. Therefore, since 2011 I am participating in Transcultural Intervision in Psychodrama (TIP network group of FEPTO). Additionally, I am in a team of international trainers who have founded in 2010 the “International Spring Academy: Psychodramatic studies in group work and social interaction” which takes place once a year.
In my role as Chair of the Research Committee I will do my best to serve our FEPTO community and to support further growth of quality in psychodrama training, practice and research.


Main publications:

Krall, H. (2017). Creating a Research Culture in Psychodrama: Networking and capacity building for research practitioners. In: International Journal of Psychotherapy IJP, Vol. 21, No. 2, p. 67-78.

Krall, H. (2017). Psychodrama mit Kindern – Zur Förderung sozialer Interaktion von mehrfach belasteten Kindern. In: Erziehung und Unterricht, 5-6, 9 S.

Fürst, J., Krall, H. (2016). Integration von Forschung in der Psychotherapieausbildung – Erfahrungen von Studierenden mit forschungsorientierten Inhalten und Tätigkeiten im Projekt TRAIN. In: Stadler, C., Wieser, M., Kirk, K. (Eds.): ZPS Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie, Sonderheft 7, Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag, S. 275-288. (DOI 02/ 2015, 10.1007/s11620-015-0298-5)

Köfeler, C., Krall, H. (2016). Soziale Interaktion von Kindern mit Selektivem Mutismus. In: ZPS Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie, 2016, In: Stadler, C., Wieser, M., Kirk, K. (Eds.): ZPS Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie, Sonderheft 7, Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag, S. 165-178. (DOI10.1007/s11620-015-0303-z)

Krall, H. (2016). Praxisorientierte Forschung im Psychodrama – Das FEPTO Research Committee als europäisches Forschungsnetzwerk. Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie, Heft 1, S. 177–180

Krall, H., Fürst, J. (2015). Entwicklung von Forschungskompetenz in der Psychotherapieausbildung. In: Gesundheit Österreich GmbH (Hrsg.): Praxisorientierte Psychotherapieforschung. Wien, S. 120-122

Milcu, M., Krall, H., Dan, P. (Eds.) (2014). Prospecting Interdisciplinarity in Health, Education and Social Sciences. EdituraUniversitară, Bucureşti, 247 S.

Krall, H. (2014). Supervision and Learning in Psychodrama Training – Effects of Verbal Intervention and Action Methods. In: Milcu, M., Krall, H., Dan, P. (Eds.): Prospecting Interdisciplinarity in Health, Education and Social Sciences. Editura Universitară, Bucureşti, S. 41-54

Krall, H., Fürst, J., & Fontaine, P. (Eds.) (2013). Supervision in Psychodrama. Experiential Learning in Psychotherapy and Training. Springer VS: Wiesbaden, 282 S.

Krall, H. (2012). Practitioner research in psychodrama: Strengthening the researcher´s role. In: Testoni, I./Guglielmin, M.S. et al. (2012). Ending gender violence in the family and in the society. Interdisciplinary Journal of Family Studies, 2, p. 261-265

Krall, H. (2010). Psihodrama in sociometrija v superviziji in coachingu in njunapovezanost s kvalitativnimraziskovanjem. In: Kobold, Alenka (Ed.): Supervizija in Koucing. Ljublana, S. 293-312

Krall, H. (2010). Lebensbewältigung im Alter – Psychodrama und Soziometrie mit älteren Menschen. In: Knapp, G./ Spitzer, H. (Hrsg.): Altern, Gesellschaft und Soziale Arbeit. Mohorjeva: Celovec, Ljubljana, Dunaj, S. 178 – 195.

Krall, H. (2009). Sprache und Szenische Arbeit in der Supervision. In: Supervision. Mensch, Arbeit, Organisation. Heft 2, S. 19-24

Krall, H. (2009). Freud und Moreno – das Psychodrama, eine nicht-psychoanalytische Psychotherapie. In: Leitner, Anton/ Petzold, Hilarion G. (Hrsg.): Sigmund Freud heute. Der Vater der Psychoanalyse im Blick der Wissenschaft und der psychotherapeutischen Schulen. Krammer: Wien, S. 341 – 354.

Krall, H. (2008). Psychodrama und Soziometrie in Supervision und Coaching Anknüpfungspunkte in der qualitativen Sozialforschung. In: Krall, Hannes/ Mikula, Erika/ Jansche, Wolfgang (Hrsg.): Supervision und Coaching. Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: Wiesbaden, S. 251-268

Krall, H. (2007). Trauma bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Szenische Arbeit in Psychotherapie und Pädagogik. Wien, Münster: LIT Verlag, 192 S.

Krall, H. (Hrsg.) (2005). Jungen- und Männerarbeit. Bildung, Beratung und Begegnung auf der „Baustelle Mann“. Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: Wiesbaden, 252 S.

Krall, H. (2004 (2007, 2. Auflage). Jugend und Gewalt. Herausforderungen für Schule und Soziale Arbeit. Lit Verlag: Münster 212 S.









FEPTO Conference

17th FEPTO Conference:
From External Violence to Internal Shadow: When Psychodrama Helps To
Confront Reality

5th to 7th of May, 2023
Liege, Belgium

» Invitation

» Provisionally program

» Call for workshop facilitators

» Online registration


Annual Meeting

29th FEPTO AM:
Spontaneity and Creativity in the Transforming World
30 years of FEPTO and beyond

7th to 11th of May, 2023
Liege, Belgium

» Invitation

» Provisionally program

» Online registration



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