
Development & Network Committee


Apter,  Norbert (Switzerland),
Evstatieva, Elena (Bulgaria),
Hango, Endel (Estonia),


Dorn, Fred (Germany)


The idea to start a Network Committee in FEPTO was initiated in Vienna as one of the seven chairs. The idea was to create a special chair to represent the growing need in FEPTO for more contacts between our members. There was a feeling that FEPTO grew up very much in the last few years and with it was born the need for more networking.
Networking is about creating more meaningful dialogues for our personal and professional developments as FEPTO members. We represent Psychodrama Institutes and training organizations. Behind us are many trainers, teachers, students, trainees and graduates. Creating networking can help FEPTO become a broader psychodrama community and allow more contacts and interactions.

The rationale behind networking is to encourage FEPTO members to have more encounters with one another for the purpose of professional exchange, mutual support and exchange of teachers and students.
In some countries local psychodramatists do not meet one another. Some Psychodrama Institutes are located in the same city without any contacts between them. Networking activities may reduce competition, tension and unnecessary power struggles between institutes and increase the possibility of professional dialogue and cooperation.

Belgrade networkAs FEPTO members we meet only once a year, usually in a very pact and busy schedule. We hardly have time to spend with one another. The network committee wants to encourage FEPTO members to have more possibilities for exchange of ideas, feelings and new professional developments. We need more intervision time and therefore we suggest to have in each FEPTO meeting time devoted to intervision sessions as part of the annual meeting program. This might give us a chance to learn more closely about the structure, content, concerns and the experience collected by our different training programs and share mutual questions and concerns.

The Network Committee can cooperate with the Newsletter to collect and distribute information regarding international and European psychodrama calendar of events, conferences, professional activities, workshops and about new articles and books in our field.
It might be a good idea of FEPTO creating in the future the European Psychodrama Association open to professional individuals and to students who are interested in Psychodrama and Sociodrama. Through the networking process we can find out if this is a real need and start creating the basis for it.

For the purpose of better networking and communications we would like to suggest that FEPTO will publish a booklet in printing and/or on the internet of the different psychodrama training programs in Europe including the name, contact address, phone, email address, site, director, trainers and teachers, short description of the training process etc.

We suggest creating more network groups which can meet once or twice a year. One meeting connected to the annual FEPTO meeting (during the pre- or post- FEPTO meeting) and the other meeting sometime in between the annual meetings for one weekend, each time in another country. This kind of a group can become a constant source of trust and support and allow members to work psychodramatically on personal and professional issues. The possibility of creating such networking groups can be organized during our next meeting in Gent.

We have already one group like this called The Matrix Group which started in Cluj and met already in Berlin, Athens, Glasgow and Belgrade. In the end of August we had an effective and meaningful meeting in Belgrade with Dr. Zoran Iliic and Vera his wife as wonderful and special hosts. We came up there with the following reasons why to have such a network experience: 1) Fascination by working together. 2) Inspiration and support. 3) Containment of feelings. 4) Learning with emotions. 5) Balanced personal and professional experience. 6) Value of sharing without masks. 7) Accepting the differences. 8) Peace.

Since December 2017 our organisation has a forum, and we invite all of you to participate in this process involves and bring your experience, your ideas, your expertise and above all your creativity and spontaneity!
Visit > FEPTO Forum

We are aware that it is not a brief process that needs time, exchanges, interaction and cooperation in order to be successfully completed. Our goal is to get started in Pravetz and then continue our exchanges online, via the internet platform, that was recently launched, thanks to the work of Fred Dorn, chair of Network and Development Committee.


1. Ongoing work on Constitution changing and elaboration of by laws

For several years we the FEPTO council and engaged members have been working on the actualization of the FEPTO constitution, to make it useful and practicable to the needs of an organization on the European stage. This work has gone through several stages and is not yet complete. It is supposed to be a scaffolding for administrative and organizational cooperation of different institutes and organizations all over Europe devoted to the theory and methodology based on the work of J.L. Moreno in order to promote psychodrama and sociodrama, training, practice, research, and networking (Preamble of the Constitution P.1, 2).

This scaffolding has to be considered as an indispensable condition for reliable, professional and legally

compliant work and institutional collaboration and hence very well to be thought of. So, there is still a need of detailed discussion and as well of broad acceptance.

actual proposal of the new constitution has been consented by the council on its meeting at Dave in
November last year.

We ask the GA
to discuss this proposal, to make own proposals and comments, and to recommend within the next twelve months the finally overworked constitution to be accepted by the GA in 2023.


The final work on constitutionchanging will be combined with the acceptance of the ByLaws. The ByLaws are an instrument to make the constitution practicable. As the constitution is the scaffolding firm and slim the ByLaws have to fill it with functioning tools how work and collaboration have to be organized, which agreements have to be taken, which rules shall be accepted and compliance with them ensured.

is wise not to fix these regulations in the constitution since it can only be changed by two thirds of our members , but to put it in the ByLaws, to be changed, actualized or omitted by simple majority of the GA.

will continue the discussion on ByLaws in a working group at the next GA in order to find useful and practical solutions.

Fred Dorn


2. December 2020 letter from the Development and Network Committee chair

As chair of the Development and Network Committee during the last few months I participated in on-going tasks and projects related to FEPTO networking and development. We worked together with col-leagues from FEPTO Psychodrama World Task Force on the final elaboration of a form for the submission of psychodrama materials for this open-source database as well as to develop the content structure and non-English Website related issues. I trust that we could soon use this platform to enrich and exchange current knowledge of psychodrama as well as to support networking in FEPTO.

As we all know in today’s pandemic related limitations in traveling and meeting has placed our psycho-drama style of work under constant change. We are still discovering daily how to use the Internet video tools to continue our educational training and therapy with clients. It is a challenge and a loss for many of us but ,on the other hand, also a chance to discover the potential of the method and its working factors. I am sure that all of us who continue our professional activity on-line can observe that psychodrama also works in this way. Experiencing the use of many psychodrama techniques like doubling, role playing and role reversal, work with masks, pets and other symbolical objects via the Internet proves that the psychological processes active in face-to-face psychodrama therapy and training can be stimulated and utilized also in distance work.

Even though the spontaneity and creativity needed to keep up-to-date with all this new technology is quite daunting and mentally exhausting, we are provoked to continue our professional development and also find new potentials of psychodrama. It would be great if we could share our experiences connected with online psychodrama more openly with one another using our website and newsletter.

A year, full of surprises and challenges is coming to an end. We are all looking forward with hope, expecting that COVID-19 will be defeated by medicine and we can again meet each other in person like it was in the past. Let me take this moment to wish everyone a safe, secure and peaceful celebration of the seasonal holidays and a very Happy New Year!

Krzysztof Ciepliński
Chair of the FEPTO Development and Network Committee


3. Letter from the chair of the Committee, 5/8/2020

Dear Psychodrama Colleagues,

The Corona pandemic situation has made us aware once again how important cooperation and interpersonal relationships are for us, both as persons and professionals. During the last council Zoom meeting among other issues we reflected on how to support and improve the visibility of different Psychodrama groups and networks in FEPTO.

Networking is some kind of bloodstream for the body of our organization, necessary for its good functioning.  As a chair of the FEPTO Development and Network Committee on behalf of the Council I would like to encourage all coordinators/responsible persons of the FEPTO working groups/networks to write a short text about your group in order to publish it in the next issue of the FEPTO Newsletter. The description (max. 500 words) should cover the main information about the field of your interest, goals, work in practice, coordinators/contact persons emails/other contact details, number of actual members, and the possibility of joining your network group. It will be nice to add one photo relating to your group.

I intend to collate your materials for publishing in the next issue of the FEPTO Newsletter. The deadline for sending all contributions to the FN editorial board is September 10th, so please send me your descriptions and photos asap, but not later than September 5th.

Some networks have already presented their work during the last AM. Thank you for this! We hope to continue this practice in the future.

On the FEPTO Website, in the section of Development and Network Committee you can find some information about existing FEPTO networks, published by themselves. I kindly invite the coordinators to take care of updating this information on a regular basis. I would also like to encourage all other existing groups/networks to publish some information here. Please send your descriptions to Horatiu Nil Albini: with a copy to me.

As a living body FEPTO should always be open to new projects. As you may be aware, during the last months some new initiatives like Psychodrama.World task force or Psychodrama Online network have appeared. Please feel free to let me know about any other initiatives /ideas in the field of networking in our organization. I will try to do my best to support you.

If you have any other ideas, comments and proposals on how to improve networking in FEPTO, please contact me in any case using the following email address:

Thanking you in advance for your feedback.

Please, share this letter with all trainers from your institutes and other interested persons relating to FEPTO.

Best regards,
Krzysztof Ciepliński
Chair of the FEPTO Development and Network Committee


4. ZOOM meeting: Psychodrama Online Encounter in Corona Times

Dear FEPTO Colleagues,

According to Moreno, spontaneity, creativity and  encounter are the main forces of Psychodrama in its application to inspire and developed human lives. In these difficult times of Corona virus we can use this wisdom in order to support each other and the people around us.

As a FEPTO Development and Network Committee we would like to invite all interested psychodrama Colleagues to meet together via Zoom in order to share our current personal and professional experiences. We would like to meet on Sunday, April 26th, at 17.00 CET.

We intend to start with an online warm up and later on, depending on the interest from the community, to continue our work in small groups with 6-8 participants.  We propose to use this space for psychodrama intervision, to enhance our competence and support to each other. In the last part of the meeting we will have a chance for final sharing.

We hope that the meeting will refresh our relationships and be an opportunity to enrich our involvement to work and live.

To join the meeting, please click the link below:

Topic: Psychodrama Online Encounter in Corona Times
Time: Apr 26, 2020 06:00 PM Sofia

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 849 635 0102
Password: 202445

We hope to meet you on Sunday.

On behalf of the FEPTO Development and Network Committee

Krzysztof Ciepliński


5. Report for the FEPTO Newsletter, December 2019

Let me say thank you for your trust and support in re-electing me to the FEPTO Council. In Tallinn it was agreed by the Council to offer me the responsibility for the Development and Network Committee for the next two years. It is my honour and pleasure to continue the work of former chairs and other participating Colleagues. I would like to mention here the important contribution of Norbert Apter and dearly missed Yaacov Naor. I am also thankful to Fred Dorn; the latter chair of the Committee for his involvement, in particular his progressive work on the establishment and development of the FEPTO Forum platform, as well as on the FEPTO Constitution revision. I am very pleased that Fred will be involved in both of these in the near future.

The idea of networking is at the heart of the FEPTO mission. By exchange in different contexts we can learn from each other, enriched each other and create new projects focused on specific fields and problems. I trust that the on-going projects and initiatives like inter-vision groups, the network for psychodrama with children and youth, and the peace building and conflicts transformation task force will all be successfully working in the near future. We are also very proud that FEPTO, as an organization, as well as many individual FEPTO Colleagues participate in a few Erasmus Plus Projects in cooperation with NGO’s, businesses and academic partners. As psychodramatists and citizens we are called upon to be responsive and creative to face current challenges like climate and society changes. One of the last initiatives, the Psychodrama. World interactive Web platform, aims to build on-line international cooperation providing accessibility to psychodrama knowledge. This is open to all psychodrama authors and students, based on Paola de Leonardo and Marco Greco’s Psychodrama Maps. Special thanks to Roger Schaller for his great involvement in this project.

I believe that the co-creative work on this done during the Pravetz and Tallinn Annual Meetings will be supported by the FEPTO community in the near future.

Let me cordially invite you to share your needs, ideas or projects related to the issues of FEPTO Development and Networking. I hope we can successfully co-operate in order to develop as professionals and institutes. Please use the following email addresses:

Please also visit our Committee Website: committee as well as the FEPTO Forum for all your needs.

Thanks in advance for your future cooperation!

Krzysztof Ciepliński
Chair of the FEPTO Development and Network Committee


6. Report for the Annual Meeting in Sigtuna, April 2017

FEPTO supports Networking. Networking is about creating more meaningful dialogues for our personal support and professional exchange and development as FEPTO members.
Creating networking can help FEPTO to become a broader psychodrama community and to allow more contacts and interactions. Networking activities may reduce competition, tension and unnecessary power struggles between persons and institutes and within FEPTO, and increase the possibility of professional dialogue and cooperation.
The Network committee, established within the 24th AM in Marathon
starting with exploring the historic experience of Networking within FEPTO and
  • following the purpose to support cooperation within FEPTO members on the one hand and FEPTO and
  • society on the other hand suggests to all FEPTO members the following GUIDELINES:
Definition:Networking within FEPTO is an encounter in which FEPTO members exchange information and possibilities for cooperation in order to create and cultivate productive relationships.
Networking groups can be:
  • are groups which are working on members, needs (developing one’s own psychodrama skills, intervision etc.)
  • are groups which are working on specific issues (conflict transformation, working with children …)
Any of these groups can have a project (beginning, budget, end, and something delivered)
Requirements to become a Networking Group
1. Any FEPTO member can initiate a working group.
2. The purpose of the networking group should support FEPTO Members, Goals, Rules, Guidelines, Ethics, Standards and Bylaws.
3. A representative of the group plus his or her deputy are designated to be the connecting link (coordinator / speaker) with FEPTO council and FEPTO Community.
4. The group sends the appropriate form to the Chair in charge of Networking.
Basic rules for Networking Groups
1. The networking group should meet regularly. The form of the meeting is up to the group (whether it be in person, Skype, etc.).
2. Common rules for networking procedures, membership and participation, agenda, commitments, purposes have to be agreed within the networking group.
3. Networking Groups are working independently on their own resources, responsibility and on their chosen topics.
4. Once a year a report has to be sent to the Council.
5. Furthermore the networking group has to inform the community about its activities in the FEPTO Newsletter and/or on FEPTO Website. Please include photos, videos and so on.
6. Networking groups publish their names and coordinators, addresses on the FEPTO Website.
7. Networking groups are accountable about their activities to the FEPTO Council respectively to the Networking Chair.
Financial and juridical responsibility of FEPTO for projects of FEPTO network groups

1. FEPTO will not be financially responsible for any network projects unless FEPTO has provided financial support to the project. A networking group must request support in writing to FEPTO and FEPTO must expressly accept the project.

2. Failure of FEPTO to reply to the request for support will not be deemed as an acceptance of the request for support of the project.
3. In case the FEPTO name and logo is used for public events or interventions, the group needs to be authorized in advance from the council (respectively from the Chair dealing with networking issues), according to the Guidelines of collaboration (to be created).
4. If the above stated rules, guidelines, standards and requirements are not assured or are severely violated, FEPTO (Council and respectively Chair) has the right to suspend or withdraw the permission to
act as a FEPTO networking group. Download > report
Ideas for the future Networking:
  • Summer training / self development?
  • Creating contacts and links with other Psychodrama or not Psychodrama organisations?
  • FEPTO School?
  • Project collaboration to be contracted with FEPTO?
  • Development within FEPTO
  • Further and more Think Thanks
Network committee’s members: Elena Evstatieva, Endel Hango, Yaacov Naor, Norbert Apter

Fred Dorn
Chair of Development and Networking Committee


7. Report for the Council meeting in Dave, October 2016

At the AM in Marathon several Small Groups were built to work on topics chosen by the participants and to learn from each other – how they do work in their working fields and how they can find possibilities of cooperation in “Times of Conflict and Change”.

One Working Group was built on the topic of Networking as one activity and working field of FEPTO. This group consisted of two former Council members – Yaacov Naor (Israel) and Norbert Apter  (Switzerland) – the present Chair of Networking and Development – Fred Dorn (Germany), Elena Evstatieva (Bulgaria) and Endel Hango (Estonia). So this Working Group did not specifically work on training issues to be demonstrated and studied, but how to organize Networking in a large society like FEPTO, representing almost all European and Mediterranean countries.

Though we were only five people our small group covered almost the total geographical scale of Europe – from North – Estonia – to South – Israel – and from East – Bulgaria – to West – Germany and Switzerland.

We started from the very beginning – how to create a Network Group? – and most important – which are the basic needs? We stated: to be perceived, to be respected and accepted, to show each other one’s key how to be useful for one another and last not least to find common interests.

These were the personal thoughts of our group members, but how to combine them with the needs and requirements of an organization like FEPTO spread over all Europe –

  • which could be the benefit – for the organization and the different networking groups as well?
  • How do they function?
  • How the relationship to the organization should be defined – open enough to give space for self-development and as well mandatory in order to set some rules to be kept and to create a reliable and functioning system of Networking?

We tried to find some answers. We worked out a proposal on Guidelines to be consented on and put some questions that should be discussed in our community. We presented our result shortly at the end of the AM.

Fred Dorn
Chair of Development and Networking Committee

8. New chair for Development and Network Committee

First of all, I must say, I am glad not to be bound to start at zero nor to invent the wheel anew. By the help of Yaacov Naor, former Chair of Network Committee and especially by Norbert Apter, former Chair of Development I got the information I am able and ready to start with. Reading the papers, listening to Norbert and remembering the first meeting the new board had in Marathon, I think there is a lot of work to be done. Where to start, whom to address, how to contribute to the welfare and fruitful development of FEPTO? As I understand it, the Chair of Development covers the whole scale – development in research, membership, international affairs, ethics and of course networking – whereas the Networking Committee exclusively is concerned with the different groups existing in this Committee, working by their own and at the same time connected with FEPTO. How to organize this relationship, how to make it fruitful for the development of the groups, for networking between the groups and of course, for the FEPTO community? So, since I am responsible for the two chairs, I think it is best to start with the Networking Groups.

Networking Groups might be the nuclei of common activities, might help to make contacts between groups and institutes, might find common tasks and common responsibilities, may “reduce competition, tension and unnecessary power struggles between institutes and increase the possibility of professional dialogue and cooperation”.
Suggested guidelines to reach this aims do already exist, you find them…., but as we saw in Bonn, they have to be discussed, clarified, and decided.

So there are some of the crucial questions to be answered:

  • How about the membership in Networking Groups – which requirements do they have to fulfill and which relationship is required considering the FEPTO community – who can be a member of a Network Group?
  • Which guidelines have to be produced by the different groups and how do they coincide with the major guidelines of FEPTO?
  • If there are conflicts – especially in the case of ethical complaints – and the council has made its decision – in which time the Networking Group has to carry out this decision?
  • What about the guests, the different Networking Groups are allowed to invite – which status do they have, how long may they be “guests”?
  • In which way Networking Groups are entitled to act in the name of FEPTO – which rules, which guidelines have to be considered, which legal consequences to be thought of?
  • Last but not least, how members of the FEPTO community may be encouraged to join existing Networking Groups or to create new ones?

About these questions I would like to discuss with the coordinators of the different Networking Groups. I invite you to share with me your experiences, your – maybe -, disappointments, your expectations, and your hopes. I should like to discuss this topic openly by the use of a FEPTO-internet platform to be created.

And I would like to arrange a meeting between the coordinators of the Network Groups – hopefully before the next AM so that already then we could present some results.

Fred Dorn
Chair of Development and Networking Committee


9. New guidelines for the network groups / March 2014

  1. Network groups are groups initiated by representatives of member organisations aiming at general or specific purposes within FEPTO.
  2. The prerequisite for joining a Network group is to be the representative of a FEPTO member organization. However, the inclusion of an applying representative needs to be unanimously approved by the Network group.
  3. Network groups are responsible for creating clear guidelines on how to accept new members.
  4. When a member of the Network group is no longer a representative of the FEPTO member organization, he/she is still entitled to stay on as a member of the Network group as an individual.
  5. The only exception to this rule is if an ethical complaint should arise. In that case, the decision whether to freeze or not the individual’s participation in the Network group then becomes a concern of the Chair of the Ethics Committee and Advisory Board of Ethics. Their recommendation will be forwarded to the Council who ratifies the decision.
  6. Each Network group decides its own time structure, the place of meeting, the content and form of the activities, the size of the group and the admission procedure to the group.
  7. Network groups have the possibility of inviting a guest to the meeting who are not however entitled to become members of the group.
  8. Each Network Group shall choose a coordinator who represents the group and who is responsible for writing a report to be sent to the Chair of the Network Committee once or twice a year to be published in the FEPTO Newsletter.

10. September 2013 – Network Committee: a new Chair

From its creation, quite a number of years ago, to now the Network Committee has developed itself quite a lot. We owe it to Yaacov Naor whose commitment to facilitate networking of FEPTO members has been present all the way through, and whose willingness to encourage the creation of new Network groups ended up being fruitful: almost half of FEPTO members are involved one way or another in networking! Congratulations and thank you Yaacov!

As I am taking the Chair of this Committee, I am definitely willing to pursue, as Yaacov did, elaborating projects/dreams to promote cooperation and professional growth.
If we don’t dream who will dream for us? If we don’t evaluate the realism of our dreams, how will we know if we could implement them? And if we don’t act, nothing will happen.

Here are some plans/dreams that might have to be considered and acted upon: (1) Creating a FEPTO Summer Training School, (2) developing an International Networking, (3) participating (co-creating ) events with large Psychodrama Association etc… let us check what is feasible and how, and what is not. We will also take into account some of the proposals made in the Development Committee’s thinktanks: (4) making known (and possibly visible on the website) what is each network group about, what are its goals, how it functions, who can join and how etc.,

Another members’ idea seems to be quite exciting for many people: (5) figuring out a way to enlarge the knowledge of inner resources of the membership. With so many members FEPTO has such a great number of diverse expertise. Where are they? What about? And why not even make them visible to the world (on the website)?

Such are the challenges that the Networking Committee is planning to face in the next two years… WITH YOUR INPUTS!

Norbert Apter, chair of Network Committee


11. Network Committee report in December 2012/New network group: Psychodrama in organizations

Networking is growing in FEPTO. We experience the initiations of new network groups. In this report we would like to share with you the creation of a new network group which was announced in the FEPTO AM in Oslo.

But first a reminder why it is important for us to take part in the ongoing network activities. Networking is about creating more meaningful encounters and dialogues for our personal support and professional exchange and development as FEPTO members. In the last few years we feel the growing need in FEPTO for more contacts between our members especially in light of the fact that FEPTO is becoming a large organization with many representatives. In some countries local psychodramatists even do not meet one another. Some Psychodrama Institutes are located in the same city without any contacts between them. Networking activities may reduce competition, tension and unnecessary power struggles between institutes and increase the possibility of professional dialogue and cooperation. Most FEPTO members meet only once a year, usually in a very pact and busy schedule. We hardly have time to spend with one another.

The Network Committee wants to encourage FEPTO members to have more possibilities for exchange of ideas, feelings and new professional developments. We need more intervision time and therefore we suggest having in each FEPTO meeting time which is devoted to small groups’ sessions as part of the annual meeting program. This was implemented in the last few FEPTO meetings. It gave us a chance to learn more closely about the structure, content, concerns and the experience collected by our different training programs and share mutual questions and concerns. We would like to encourage FEPTO members to create new ongoing Networking Groups.

The new network group which was formed in Oslo is: “Psychodrama in Organizations” NEW Network Group.

The introduction meeting of this group took place in Oslo. Annick Milet which represents Institut ODeF from Geneva initiated the creation of this group. In a letter which was sent to FEPTO members she explained the following:
The overall objective of the group is to represent the non-therapeutically use of psychodrama within FEPTO. This is linked to three main interests:
1. Create a professional exchange platform to understand group members specialties, find overlapping or complementary fields of interests; to support each other by sharing ideas, asking questions, making proposals, posting articles or interesting links (inter vision and debates)
2. To enhance the “marketing” of the psychodrama within organizations
Nowadays, everybody wants action and role plays in the trainings. We use one of the methodologies which are at the very base of all those “action techniques” and still this is not always understood, used and communicated. So we could work on presenting the theoretical foundations of our work.
3. Participate in FEPTO life: links with other committees (training for coaches and trainers, ethical code to be used with organizations) participation in FEPTO development (as FEPTO has become a big organization)

This is a closed group, meaning that only approved members can join.
All those who are interested to get more information about the aims of this group, its action plan and the way to join should contact Annick through her email address:

Yaacov Naor


12. Network Committee report in May 2012

Networking is about creating more meaningful encounters and dialogues for our personal support and professional exchange and development as FEPTO members. In the last few years we feel the growing need in FEPTO for more contacts between our members. There was a feeling that FEPTO grew up very much and with it was born the need for more networking.

The rationale behind networking is to encourage FEPTO members to have more encounters with one another for the purpose of professional exchange, mutual support and exchange of teachers and students. In some countries local pschodramatists do not meet one another. Some Psychodrama Institutes are located in the same city without any contacts between them. Networking activities may reduce competition, tension and unnecessary power struggles between institutes and increase the possibility of professional dialogue and cooperation.

As FEPTO members we meet only once a year, usually in a very pact and busy schedule. We hardly have time to spend with one another. The network committee wants to encourage FEPTO members to have more possibilities for exchange of ideas, feelings and new professional developments. We need more intervision time and therefore we suggest to have in each FEPTO meeting time devoted to intervision sessions as part of the annual meeting program. This was implemented in the last few FEPTO meetings. It gave us a chance to learn more closely about the structure, content, concerns and the experience collected by our different training programs and share mutual questions and concerns.

We would like to encourage FEPTO members to create new ongoing Networking Groups like the Matrix Group and the new Networking group which was initiated by Arsa Kayir and met for the first time in Neve Shalom, Israel March 2011. These groups meet twice a year; each time for three days long.

The Matrix Group meets twice a year for the last 8 years. This group had another fruitful and meaningful meeting in Neve Shalom, Israel during the FEPTO Annual meeting March 2011 and another meeting in Vienna November 18-21, 2011 hosted warmly by Norbert Neureutter in his Psychodrama Center. The next meetings of this group will take place in Oslo June 14-16, 2012 and in Porto September 28-30, 2012.

The group has the following ethical guidelines:
1) The Matrix Group is mainly an inter-vision group.
2) Each member of the Matrix Group is committed for 3 years (or 6 meetings) starting in January 2011.
3) The Matrix Group will open itself for new members as long the size of the group stays 14 members.
4) Each new coming member to the Matrix Group should answer the following criteria:
a) He/she should be officially representing a psychodrama organization which is a member of FEPTO in the time of his/her admittance to the group.
b) He/she is a main psychodrama trainer in the institute or organization which he/she represents.
c) He/she agrees to abide by Matrix Group rules and FEPTO Code of Ethics.

The members of the Matrix Group came up with the following reasons why to have such a network experience: 1) Fascination by working together. 2) Inspiration and support. 3) Containment of feelings. 4) Learning with emotions. 5) Balanced personal and professional experience. 6) Value of sharing without masks.
7) Accepting the differences. 8) Peace.

The Networking Committee is planning the following projects in the future:
1) Creation of a Summer Training School for FEPTO. This will be done with cooperation of the Training and the Development committees.
2) Creating an International Psychodrama Networking.
3) Co-creating International Psychodrama Conferences together with IAGP, ASGPP, BPA and ANZPA.

Yaacov Naor
Chair, Networking Committee


13. International Psychodrama Association – Is it Possible?

During the IAGP Mediterranean Conference in Porto, Portugal on September 2011 we had a meeting of the IAGP Psychodrama Section which took place on September 8, 2011. The meeting was directed by Maurizio Gasseau, IAGP Psychodrama Section Chair.

We had a very important discussion regarding an initiation to create an International Psychodrama Association. The goal is to create a clear professional networking arena, have more effective relationships between different Psychodrama Organizations in different parts of the world. This is in order to promote and develop the future of Psychodrama on the international level.

Marcia Karp said that this idea has a long history and that it is important to integrate different styles of Psychodrama and not just to integrate the different Psychodrama Schools. She also suggested an International Congress of Psychodrama with representatives from different countries and continents.

There were strong voices from some people expressing the need to unite and create a World Federation of Psychodrama like FEPTO for Europe. Or create similar federations as FEPTO in other continents and then connect them or create a process of networking between these federations.

Helosia Fleury from Brazil said that it is necessary to have an action plan for the future and suggested a creation of a special international committee to meet and discuss the idea and the come up with an action plan.

There was a decision made to create such an International Psychodrama Committee. The people who were nominated and chosen for this committee are: Rene Marineau (Canada), Maurizio Gasseau (Italy), Manuela Maciel (Portugal), Helosia Fleury (Brazil), Jacob Gershoni (USA), and Yaacov Naor (Israel).

The first meeting of this committee will be held in Yamachiche, near Montreal, Canada in the end of April 2012 hosted by The International Center for Expressive Psychotherapy under the direction of Rene Marineau. A report of this meeting will be send to the FEPTO members.

Yaacov Naor, January 2012


14. Network Committee report, December 2010

We are happy to announce the creation of a new Networking Group which will hold its first meeting during the next FEPTO Conference in Israel.

The Matrix Group which already exists meets twice a year; each time for three days long. The Matrix Group had another fruitful and meaningful meeting in Belgrade during the 2010 FEPTO Conference. This group had another important meeting in Will Switzerland November 26th-28th, 2010.

In this meeting the following decisions were made:
1. The Matrix Group is mainly an inter-vision group.
2. Each member of the Matrix Group is committed for 3 years (6 meetings) starting in January 2011.
3. The Matrix Group will open itself for new members as long the size of the group stays 14 members.
4. Each new coming member to the Matrix Group should answer the following criteria:
a. He/she should be officially representing a psychodrama organization which is a member of FEPTO in the time of his/her admittance to the group.
b. He/she is a main psychodrama trainer in the institute or organization which he/she represents.
c. He/she agrees to abide by Matrix Group rules and FEPTO Code of Ethics.

Networking is about creating more meaningful dialogues for our personal support and professional exchange and development as FEPTO members. We would like to encourage FEPTO members to create more ongoing Networking Groups.

The FEPTO Task Force for Peace and Conflict Resolution Group had a weekend meeting in Uppsala, Sweden in December 10th-12th, 2010. This meeting was hosted by Eva Fahlström. In this meeting the subject of offering psychodramatic training in conflict areas was discussed. This question came up as a result of a letter which was sent to Maurizio Gasseau, the head of this group, from The School of Psychodrama without Borders of Gaza directed by Ursula Hauser asking that the FEPTO Task Force for Peace help the psychodramatists which have finished their training, to continue their education.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


15. Network meeting in Ghent

The following people took part in this meeting: Ania Van Impe, Nicole Saenen, Maria Brito, Georgios Chaniotis, Stylianos Lagarakis, Luciano Moura, Dimo Stantchev, Marcia Karp, Roberto De Inocencio, Leandra Perrotta and Yaacov Naor.

The following themes came up in this meeting:

We made a sharing round of experiences from the different small group experiences during the Ghent meeting.

We talked about the ways to create more network groups who can meet during the post Conference and also during the year in between the FEPTO Annual Meetings like the existing Matrix Group.

Many expressed satisfaction about the fact that the Ghent meeting allowed more neighbouring small groups meetings and many suggested to devote at least one day, or even two days, for such small group meetings in each FEPTO meeting and try to make this part of the usual plan for the hosting organization.

People spoke about the need to have such encounters as structure during the FEPTO meeting and not during the post conference. This is in order to deepen the encounter level with colleagues and open more possibilities for professional and personal networking.

Some expressed a wish to be able to keep the small groups which were created in Ghent also in the next FEPTO meeting and suggested to keep the themes which existed: Death and old age, Sexuality, Psychodrama and religion and spirituality etc.

We decided to meet again in Belgrade and work on implementation of our networking needs and wishes and translating them into realities.

I think that the following is a better, simpler version about the FEPTO Award.

The FEPTO awards are presented annually to members who have demonstrated outstanding commitment and dedication to FEPTO and contributed to the field of psychodrama and its development in Europe.

The FEPTO awards are different from Honorary Memberships which are presented to FEPTO members for outstanding life long contribution in the field of psychodrama in general Selection for Honorary Members is based on general achievement over a period of at least 30 years.

Nominations suggestions for the FEPTO Award should include detailed explaining for the reasons for this nomination.

Nomination must be sent no later than August 1 each year to FEPTO secretary. Decisions about the awards will be made by the council in their fall meeting. The awards will be presented during the FEPTO General Assembly annual meeting.

FEPTO Conference

17th FEPTO Conference:
From External Violence to Internal Shadow: When Psychodrama Helps To
Confront Reality

5th to 7th of May, 2023
Liege, Belgium

» Invitation

» Provisionally program

» Call for workshop facilitators

» Online registration


Annual Meeting

29th FEPTO AM:
Spontaneity and Creativity in the Transforming World
30 years of FEPTO and beyond

7th to 11th of May, 2023
Liege, Belgium

» Invitation

» Provisionally program

» Online registration



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