Founding Members

Fürst Jutta

Scientific Director of the Psychodrama Psychotherapy Course at the University of Innsbruck
Born 1953 in Innsbruck/Austria
Address: Salvatorgasse 2a, A-6060 Hall i.T. Austria
Tel: +43 5223 44 695

Language: German and English

Studies: Psychology and Educational sciences graduated 1980
Private practice: Organising, teaching and training of Psychodrama, Supervision, Leading psychotherapy groups, individual psychotherapy

Psychodrama training:
I started with my psychodrama training after a workshop with Gretel Leutz as a student of Moreno Institute Überlingen in 1976. Main trainers were Barbara Erlacher and Ernst Engelke. I was graduated there and by the Psychodrama Section of the Austrian Association of Group-therapy and Group-dynamic in 1982 and have been Psychodrama trainer in this organisation since 1989 until 2015.

Professional development:
After finishing my studies at the university I started working in an institution for mentally and physically handicapped adults and changed after three years to work with children, teachers and parents as a school psychologist and leader of a school psychology centre. Beside this work I was always practising psychodrama with clients in groups and in individual sessions.
After giving birth to our son Jakob 1995 (it was just in the time the FEPTO meeting took place in Louvain) I stopped working for a while and enjoyed family life together with my husband. Step by step I began with psychotherapeutic work again. Since 1991 I have been teaching psychodrama at the University. 2001 the training course for psychodrama psychotherapy started at the University of Innsbruck and I became in charge of the scientific leadership of this course.

My curiosity brought me in contact with psychodrama and is still leading me to new paths I am steadily looking for. Psychodrama developed my ability to see always the strengths in people I am in contact with and facilitates beside my sense of humour all the enriching encounters I had and will have in my life.

Founding member and member of the FEPTO board (see History of FEPTO) and member of IAGP (International Association of Group Psychotheray and Group Processes).
Member of the scientific advisory board of the Moreno Institut Überlingen and of the scientific advisory board of the Journal for Psychodrama and Sociometry, Germany

Main publications: Fürst J., Ottomeyer K., Pruckner H.,Ed. (2004) Psychodrama-Therapie. Ein Handbuch. Facultas. Wien
About 30 articles in different journals and books

FEPTO Conference

17th FEPTO Conference:
From External Violence to Internal Shadow: When Psychodrama Helps To
Confront Reality

5th to 7th of May, 2023
Liege, Belgium

» Invitation

» Provisionally program

» Call for workshop facilitators

» Online registration


Annual Meeting

29th FEPTO AM:
Spontaneity and Creativity in the Transforming World
30 years of FEPTO and beyond

7th to 11th of May, 2023
Liege, Belgium

» Invitation

» Provisionally program

» Online registration



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