


FEPTO Training Organization
Main organizer of the FEPTO Ohrid meetings in 2020

Amigdala is a Non-Profit Organization for Psychotherapy and Education. Within this NGO, is the school of psychodrama AMIGDALA.

School of Psychodrama  “AMIGDALA” is recognized and certificated at Chamber of Psychologist of RSM.

School of Psychodrama  “AMIGDALA” is a member of the Macedonian Psychotherapeutic Association

In 2004 Mirjana Jovanovska Stojanovska registered the psychotherapy office “Here and Now”, and forms the first psychodrama group for personal growth and development. In 2005, she formed an education group for psychodrama. Amigdala NGO is registered in 2007 and the Psychodrama school became part of it.

In 2012 Amigdala became member of FEPTO.

Mirjana Jovanovska Stojanovska is founder of Amigdala NGO and AMIGDLA School for Psychodrama. She is the main trainer and supervisor. Other trainers are: Margarita Nikolovska, who is also the president of Amigdala NGO; Vesna Blazevska and Ilija Dojcinovski.

For implementation of the educational program, AMIGDALA collaborates with many domestic psychologists and psychiatrists that have conducted workshops and lectures. We also collaborate with international trainers that have held workshops: Sofia Simeonidou, Peter Haworth, Oded Nave, and Vladimir Milosevic.

Today AMIGDALA has three educational groups with 37 educators.

We strongly believe that learning through personal experience is powerful way of learning, because a very important part of becoming a good psychotherapist is the process of personal growth and maturing.

Goals of School for Psychodrama АMIGDALA

  • Education for psychodrama psychotherapy by European standards
  • Promotion and popularization of Psychodrama as a method of psychotherapy
  • Organizing various seminars and workshops for education
  • Scientific Research on the Impact of the Educational Process on the Personality of Trainees and the Effectiveness of Psychodrama as a Psychotherapeutic Method
  • Publishing and promotion of scientific literature
  • Organization of events, publishing materials and exchange experiences and information through membership in relevant national, regional and international networks and associations.


  • Over 40 workshops and seminars have been organized
  • In 2011 AMIGDALA has organized (CCTDP) Cross-Cultural Training Days of Psychodrama in Berovo, Macedonia.
  • In February 2017, we organized FEPTO Research Committee Meeting
  • In order for Trainees of AMIGDALA to gain hands-on experience in the use of psychodrama in different fields, the students volunteer in various Red Cross projects, the Clinical Center, work organizations, sports organizations, social centers in RN Macedonia
  • Trainees also participate in international projects such as European Erasmus Plus programs. Amigdala NGO has been part of the European Erasmus Plus programs ten times, where the participating countries were: Romania, Turkey, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Portugal, Poland.

Contact: Mirjana Jovanovska Stojanovska
Tel: +389 70 233 453



FEPTO Training Organization
Main organizer of the FEPTO Sigtuna meetings in 2017

Svenska Psykodramatikers Förening, (Swedish Association for Psychodramatists, Schwedische Arbeitskreis fur Psykodramatiker, Association Suédoise des Psychodramatistes) was built 1993 by professional psycho-and sociodramatists.

The association had 50 members, somewhat less today. The aim of the association is:
– to represent and protect the professional interest of psycho-and sociodramatists.
– to offer a forum for continuous professional development and exchange of knowledge and experience of psychodramatists national and international.
– to safeguard good professional ethic.
– to spread information about the methods: psychodrama, sociodrama, sociometry and group processes.

The Association organizing peer supervision groups, workshops, discussions, members meetings and annual meetings, public lectures and seminars. Representing the methods on forums together with other group psychotherapy events. We are networking and cooperating with other European organisations. For example several members are active in the network group FEPTO Task Force for Peace Building and Conflict Transformation.

Publishing books: Berglind H. (red) Skapande ögonblick, psykodrama och sociodrama (Creative Moments, Psychodrama and Sociodrama) Publ. Cura, 1998 and booklets.

Our association organised the 2nd International Sociodrama Conference, Shadows of Society, March 2009 with more than 400 participants.
We have been cooperating with Prof. Suman Khanna from New Delhi University and had workshops and lectures with her about Gandhian Philosophy and Non Violent Conflict Transformation, just to mention some of our activities.
The staff members of the LOC are members of the association.

Chair person: Judith Teszáry
Address: Norrbackagatan 43
11334 Stockholm, Sweden;
Tel: +46 739 429 948



FEPTO Accrediting Organisation

The DFP is the German professional organization for psychodrama. It is an accrediting organization with the function, to represent the professional, technical and political interests of psychodramatists in Germany. Among engagement in networking among psychodramatists, training institutes and organizations of PD (like FEPTO) and other methods in Germany and international, the DFP promotes the development and promotion of psychodrama and engages in research and the publishing of books. This task is done in cooperation with the accredited institutes for psychodrama training; these are eight at the moment (see below) and a ninth one is in the state of application. The institutes are cooperative members.

The DFP has a council of three executives and 2 – 5 chairs elected for three years. An important executive body is the continuous training committee meeting at least twice a year. Members of this committee are representatives of each institute plus one person of the council and 4 normal members elected by the General Assembly.Each elected member has two voices to keep the majority apart from the institutes (9:8). This committee sets the guidelines and standards for psychodrama training and trainers. Every fifth year the accredited institutes are scrutinized to see if they keep the quality standards.

Representatives of the DFP work in FEPTO and FEPTO RC, AGHPT (Association for Humanistic Psychotherapy), DGSv (German Association for Supervision), DGfB (German association for counseling), GK II (council for a new law for psychotherapy) and others.

Once a year the members meet a day for a general assembly; apart from this there is a yearly conference for all psychodramatists and interested colleagues. The conference is an important place to fulfill part of the tasks the DFP has and is normally a pleasant and inspiring meeting. The last three conferences gave a lot of emphasis to sociometry and sociodrama and so will the next conference in May, which is also the FEPTO conference.

The members of the DFP show a wide spread of professions, among which psychologists, social workers, medical doctors, teachers, theologians and sociologists are the largest subgroups. Accordingly the fields of application are not only social and psycho-therapy but also education (from Kindergarten to university), supervision, organizational development, theater, mediation and conflict management, spiritual development and more.

There are about 5000 psychodramatists in Germany, but only 250 are members at the moment. It is a goal of the next council to win more colleagues. The last conference in autumn 2014 was a good step towards this: 27 new members applied.

The DFP has had some difficult times. It was founded in 1994 while a law to regulate psychotherapy in Germany was in preparation. It was a strong fight to keep psychodrama among the scientifically accepted methods, and we succeeded at least in keeping it among the 8 methods seriously in discussion. But in the end only psychoanalysis and behavior therapy won. At that time the predecessor of the DFP, the “Section for Psychodrama” as part of the umbrella organization DAGG (Deutscher Arbeitskreis für Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik) was for different reasons not able to represent psychodrama on a political stage. A large group of members founded consequently the DFP as inner part of the section, with a construction that was legally problematic and was not appreciated by all members, because the concentration and engagement in the political reorganization of the psychotherapeutical field caused a neglecting of other fields. For 16 years we had two sorts of members: some were only member of the section, most of both organizations. When the DAGG a few years ago decided it`s nullification two subgroups moved into different new organizations. To our regret many members left the DFP at that time and others used the opportunity to withdraw because of their age.

The predecessor of the DFP, the “Sektion Psychodrama im DAGG”, was founded together with the DAGG in 1970. During its best times in the 80s the section PD hat about 470 members. We will try our best to get beyond this number. To reach this the DFP is on a good way into the future.

Our last conference celebrating the 20th anniversary of the organization and Moreno’s 125th birthday was a great success. The topic was: “Who shall survive? – Justice and living a good life. What is the contribution of psycho- and sociodrama?” We had two lectures, one by Prof. Ferdinand Buer well experienced in Moreno`s philosophy, and one by a political active woman, Adrienne Göhler, who was minister at the parliament of Berlin and is active in international political art. Buer`s lecture “What Moreno did with his life – Views from without and views from within” has been translated into English and is available at our homepage.

The 8 institutes accredited by the DFP are

Only one of them is not a member of FEPTO.

To become a regular member you need to be a certified psychodramatists trained at an accredited institute. Students can become extraordinary members. The certificates accepted are psychodrama therapist, pd director, pd therapist for drug addicts, therapist for pd with children.

A former committee of the DFP in the 90s has developed a special curriculum for the training of psychodramatists who work with drug addicts. This was completed by two institutes (Moreno Institut Stuttgart and Szenen) and accepted by the governmental organizations who pay for the therapy of drug addicts. The Moreno Institut Überlingen had another curriculum. Today the activity in this field is with these three institutes.

The DFP supports some social activities. Since 2012 it supports the project “Psychodrama in Gaza” of medico international Switzerland with € 3000 per year and a lot of compassion, though in the beginning there were some doubts, if it could be o.k. that Germans go to Gaza.

Address: Speestrasse 12
D – 50937 Köln, Germany
Tel: +49 221 170624
President: Helmut Schwehm



FEPTO Training Organisation
Main organizer of the FEPTO Bonn meetings in 2015

The “Institut für Psychodrama – Szenenwas founded in 1991 by Dr. Manfred Drücke and Agnes Dudler, both longtime trainers at the Moreno Institut Stuttgart. After almost 20 years the director Agnes Dudler passed it in 2011 to Stefan Flegelskamp and Andrea Winkler. Both were trained at Szenen and were members of the Szenen-Rat (council) for 7 years.
From the very beginning profile, values and qualities of training were formed in exchange and discussion with a group of experienced colleagues and trainers.

Szenen started as a small institute with one new group every 2nd or 3rd year. There was more ambition on quality and an enjoyable work than on quantity.Special for Szenen is a great interest (and trust) in groups, their process and their development, high standards of a qualified training and a strong personal engagement of the director.

The task of training psychodramatists who will enjoy their work and do it well in the long run – who understand the tools of their craft and can creatively tap new fields of application – is a multifaceted process which involves many different people. At the Szenen Institute, it generally lasts around five years. We place great importance on the selection of the group participants and the leaders. The guarantor of fundamental self-awareness is an experienced pair of trainers who consistently maintain primary leadership of the course, both together and in alternation, throughout the two years of basic training and continuing (with less frequent contact) until the completion of course. They are joined by other specialists who act as trainers in basic theory and in particular subjects. The older the training group, the more often the specialist trainers are involved. This stable framework ensures security, continuity and the flexibility necessary for experiences with specialized subjects, own experiments and other leaders. Thus, from the very beginning of the course, the participants are exposed to different models with which they can identify, making it easier for them to formulate their own roles as psychodramatists.

In order to cultivate the attitude of respect toward future patients, clients and customers which is fundamental to psychodrama, the participants are expected to be the subjects of their advanced training. We do not infantilize them and as much as possible, we avoid creating dependencies (for example, through individual teacher therapy within the institute). At the same time, from the very beginning – through the involvement of the body, the consideration of current political and social events as well as significant historical events (e.g., in sociodrama), a multi-gender and multi-generational perspective, and last but not least, a religious and spiritual dimension – we encourage a holistic view of oneself, of others and of any problems that arise.

In the beginning long time training groups were accompanied by a range of single workshops or smaller programs for different fields of application like counseling, for teachers and therapy of drug addicts. Today the main accent is on 5 years training of psychodrama directors and – therapists, psychodrama-therapy with children (as developed by Alfons Aichinger) and therapy with drug addicts.

Since 2009 there is a growing emphasis on psychodrama therapy with children and a strong engagement for national and international networking in this field leading to the first two international conferences in Innsbruck (Austria) in 2012 and Berlin (Germany) in 2014.

From the beginning an orientation on political, social and historical influences was essential. A transgenerational view working with training groups on their families history, specially on the influences of the experiences during the war(s) and the Nazi time led to a special project from 1996 to 1998, a sociodramatic approach to family history with a group of “children” of former Nazis. Two conferences were organized on “Scenes of war and peace – inside and outside” in 2007 and 2009. Based on this experience Szenen became engaged in the training of psychodramatists in Gaza and has started in 2014 a training course of 26 colleagues in Gaza, who work with traumatized children. This is done within a longtime project of medico international schweiz (Switzerland) in cooperation with the Gaza Community Mental Health Program. The project is financially supported also by the DFP and a group of private donors.

Last but not least findings of the transgenerational view and a wish to cope better with collective trauma and overcome national borders built up the motivation for the topic of the next FEPTO conference in May, which is at the same time the yearly conference of the DFP.
Szenen is a member of FEPTO since 1997.

Address: Barbarossaplatz 7
D – 5o674 Köln, Germany
Phone number: +49 221 677 893 52
President: Stefan Flegelskamp



FEPTO Training Organisation
Main organizer of the FEPTO Obidos meetings in 2014

The Portuguese Society of Psychoanalytic Group Psychodrama (SPPPG) was founded in 1988. Three years later, in 1991, its legal existence was formalized.

The SPPPG was founded by a group of professionals who did their training in psychodrama with various foreign psychodramatists, the Brazilian Alfredo Soeiro, in Paris with Serge Lebovici and Reneé Diatkine, among others. These psychodramatists based their practice in classical Morenian theory and in the psychoanalytic model, emphasizing the ongoing analysis of transference and countertransference.

The practice of Portuguese Psychoanalytic Psychodrama has the influence of various schools, particularly Argentinean, French and Brazilian. Some authors have a particular influence – Rojas-Bermudez, Alfredo Soeiro, Didier Anzier, Serge Lebovici, Wilfred Bion.

Address: Av. Duque de Loulé, 71, 1º
P – 1050-087, Portugal
Phone number: +35 191 759 2665
President: Luísa Branco Vicente



FEPTO training organization
Main organizer of the FEPTO Santander meetings in 2013

Address: Plaza Felisa Munárriz 2 Entrep. A
ES – 31005 PAMPLONA, Navarra, Spain

Contact: Mercedes Lezaun
Contact email:

The International Institute of Human Relations “Dean and Doreen Elefthery” is a centre for training in Psychodrama and Active Methods which works with a group model from a psychodynamic perspective.

In the application and teaching of the psychodrama technique, the Institute is based on the teachings of Moreno, with an integrated approach that includes input from psychoanalysis as well as group psychotherapy or family therapy.
The institute carries the name of Dean y Doreen Elefthery as a way to honour and to appreciate their contribution, direct or indirect, to the training of most of the professionals that make up the institute, and the knowledge and the manner of working in Psychodrama.

Dean and Doreen were trained in psychotherapy and psychodrama by Jacob Levy   Moreno, and created the Institute for the Clinical Application of Psychodrama. For 40 years they came continuously to Europe (Belgium and Netherlands) to train professionals from different fields in the techniques of psychodrama.

It is at that time, and in Belgium, when Roberto de Inocencio, founder of the Institute, acquired his training in psychodrama directly from Dean and Doreen Elefthery. Training that expands with Zerka Moreno in the United States.
In November, 2004; Doreen Elefthery came to Pamplona officially inaugurating the Institute that bears her name, giving a workshop on Introduction to Psychodrama to a group of professionals who could prove her worth both personally and professionally, and pronouncing the inaugural conference of the Annual Meeting of the Spanish Association of Psychodrama (SAP).

The Institute provides training accredited by FEPTO, SEPTG and SAP. Since 1996, over a hundred and seventy psychodramatists have been trained. Advanced training in psychodrama and Active Methods, are offered as postgraduate courses. Supervision groups are part of our on-going training program.



FEPTO Training Organization
Main organizer of the FEPTO Neve Shalom meetings in 2011

Address: Post box 1055, Givat Ada
Organization #: 6-882-011-58

Tamara Hannoun Klein
Contact email:


The Israeli Psychodrama Association is a non-for-profit organization and is registered under the Israeli register of associations.
The organization was established in 1990 by the Israeli pioneers of psychodrama: Dr. Eliav Naharin, Dr. Einya Artzi, Yaacov Naor, and Dr. Peter F. Kellermann. Oded Nave joined the group later and many others joined and contributed to the association throughout the years.

The Israeli Psychodrama Association was accepted to FEPTO in 1995.

The association’s objectives:
A. Promoting and developing psychodrama in Israel.
B. Establishing relationships with the Israeli public system in order to  increase recognition for the profession.
C. Professional registration of members of the association.
D. Promoting international relationships with organizations involved in PD.
E. Promoting guiding principles for professional practice.
F. Raising the public’s level of awareness of psychodrama’s influence on health, education, training, and individual and personal development.
G. Open door policy to any and all involved or interested in psychodrama.

The association holds the following events:
1. General Annual Meeting
2. Large Israeli conference.

Past conferences have invited and hosted foreign guests such as Professor David Kipper; Dr. Melinda Meyer; Ms. Luise White. The association held an international conference in 1996. In 2000 the association hosted the IAGP conference. Both Zerka Moreno and Marcia Karp participated in these conferences. The association holds monthly psychodrama workshops. Senior psychodramatists are invited to lead workshops for members of the association. Participants from all over Israel attend these events.

Israeli Psychodrama Association Leadership:

Chair: Rosa Shemesh
Vice chair: Ora Etrog Stibbe
Secretary: Tamara Klein Hannoun
Treasurer: David Cohen

Board Committees:
Registration and membership: Ora Steva Etrog
Events: Yehudit Janai Cedederbaum
Ethics: Dr. Ruthi Shemesh
Inspections: Nurit Schreiber
Public relations: Iafi Shpirer



FEPTO Training Organization
Organizer of the FEPTO Belgrade/Kovačica meetings in 2010

Address: Vivid Despota Sefana 1
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Contact: Vladimir Milosevic
Tel: +381 11 444 86 82

History: ss active in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Zagreb, Ljubljana and Tirana. From the year 2006 this is one of EAPTI institutes in Serbia. There are six trainers who work in their groups. 12 psychodramatists from the Institute are ECP holders. There are more than 50 trainees in education.

Main trainers:
leader of the Institute, Vladimir Milosevic, works as educator on psychodrama in Croatia and Slovenia.
Slavko Mackic is psychodramatist and psychoanalyst who work as supervisor and teacher of theory with Vladimir Milosevic.
Trainers: Ivana Slavkovic, special prdagogist, psychodramatist; Natasa Veselinovic, special prdagogist, psychodramatist; Biljana Djordjevic, special prdagogist, psychodramatist; Bojana Glusac, special prdagogist, psychodramatist. All 12 therapists engaged in IP are holders of ECP.

Psychodramatists from Institute work in different fields: education, therapy, theater, NGOs. They are recognized as creative and productive in Belgrade cultural millieu.

Institute for Psychodrama is co organizer of Cross Cultural Training Days, annual international training seminars from 2001.


FEPTO Training Organization
Organizer of the FEPTO Belgrade/Kovačica meetings in 2010

: Kursulina 2, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Tel +381 11 344 27 34
Mob + 38164 135 23 39

: Zoran Đjurić
Tel +38 111 3 444 995

History: Roots? In psychiatry and resistance to drug treatment only. With the help of Professor Ignjatovic from Belgrade University Clinic of Psychiatry and British Council and Oxford University

Trained 1986-1990 by BPA trainers Andrew Powell, Inecke Buckley, assisted by Marcia Karp, Ken Sprague, Susie Taylor, with nice time with Rudi Nigaard from Denmark and actors who were guests on Belgrade International Theater Festival (BITEF)

In 1993, our psychodrama group becomes the Section of the Yugoslav Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists.
In 1998 Yugoslav Psychodrama Association (YUPA) was founded. The founders of YUPA were: Zoran Ilic, Vladimir Milosevic, Jasna Veljkovic and Zoran Djuric. The main goal of YUPA was Psychodrama education and promotion of Psychodrama in Yugoslavia.

YUPA started with a formal Psychodrama education, following the BPA Standards of education. The outer supervisors of YUPA were the trainers of BPA, primarily Susie Taylor.

In theory YUPA followed Morenian ideas, group analytic frame of reference, theory of large group, Systemic theory, psychoanalytic knowledge.
YUPA was non-profit organization till the time of division into two organizations in 2005: Belgrade Psychodrama Center and Institute for Psychodrama, Belgrade. Both in status of non-profit organizations

Training staff: Zoran Ilic, Jasna Veljkovic and Zoran Djuric are the key members of the staff. They are trainers and members of Board of BPC

Training curricula: different stages and orientations in the training
The first two years our trainees learn psychodrama techniques, have their personal works and become capable to use psychodrama and action techniques in their professions. They are capable to work in non clinical setting.

After 4 and a half years of education, they are ready to conduct group by themselves and, if they fulfill criteria for being psychotherapist, to become psychotherapists

  Self  exp. Theory
& Technique
Training Free
Supervision Total hours
of contact
Own practice
of psych.
Grand Total
 MTS 200  120  200  120  80  720  160  880
   360  600  450    200  200  360  2170

Minimal Training Standards (MTS) comparison with BPC training program

ADMISSION: educational qualification – faculty degree
CERTIFICATION: levels and orientations – non clinical/clinical (psychotherapy)
SPECIALITIES in training (to know the richness of our diversities) – no specialties
Other ACTIVITIES and PUBLICATIONS of the training centre
We work in clinical setting. We have a journal. We have ideas for writing books, but we still do not realize them



FEPTO Training Organisation
Main organizer of the FEPTO  Alaçatı  meetings in 2007

Buyukesat Mahallesi Ugur Mumcu Caddesi No 98/2
Gaziosmanpasa Ankara Turkey
Contact Person: Dr. Inci Doğaner
Address: 1735 Sokak No 56/A
Karsiyaka Izmir 35530 Turkey
Tel: +90 232 368 71 50 Mobile: +90 532 413 75 18
Fax: +90 232 323 08 56
History: the training movement started with Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir Ozbek. In 1972, Dr. Ozbek met Dr. Grete Leutz in Lubeck in a Psychotherapies Meeting. He was working in Germany as a professor of psychiatry. Being impressed by the psychodramatic method, he started his own training with Dr. Leutz in Moreno Uberlingen Institute. Coming back to Turkey, Ankara University, Dr. Ozbek invited Dr. Leutz to Turkey for a couple of times for workshops and seminars. In 1984 the nucleus of the first systematic training for psychodramatic-sociometric group psychotherapies started in Ankara. This was also the start of a psychotherapy training in Turkey. Meanwhile the Group Psychotherapies Association was formed in 1974 and Congresses were being organized. From 1984 on, these congresses are held in Bergama, the ancient Asclepion each year with the participation of international psychodramatists and group psychotherapists.In 1986 Dr. Ozbek enlarged the training program and training groups were formed also in Istanbul, Izmir and Bursa. With the support and contributions of Uberlingen Moreno Institute trainers, he managed to continue the difficult task of training in so many places. Dr. Leutz, Dr. Franzke, Dr. Gerstenberg, Dr. Gneist were visitor trainers. Later Dr. Burmeister, Dr. Pinter, G. Ziegler, Dr. Gasseau, J. Moreno were added to the list.

The certification of first psychodramatists of the Institute was made with contributions from the trainers of Uberlingen Moreno Institute. In 1996 the Institute started colloquia by it’s own certified trainers. Until 2001 the training continued as an activity of the non profit organization Group Psychotherapies Association which later became Turkish Group Psychoterapies Association. In June 2000, we lost Dr. Ozbek the founder of the training organization. In 2001 a private company (Ltd) was founded by Dr. Doğaner, A. Ozlu and M. Seraner. After the death of A. Ozlu the private company for a while was run by Dr. Doğaner, M. Seraner and T. Bisalman. Now, it’s run by Dr. Doğaner, B. Simsek and N. Muhtar Uctum. The total number of certified psychodramatists until 2006 is 69.

Training staff
Regional Coordinators: Inci Doğaner, Arşaluys Kayir, Bircan Simsek
Training Coordination Committee Members: Ali Babaoglu, Inci Doğaner, Arşaluys Kayir, Emre Kapkin, Bircan Simsek, Fatih Unal
There are in total 9 trainers in Ankara, 11 trainers and 8 cotrainers in Istanbul and 5 trainers and 6 cotrainers in Izmir. There are also 3 ethical committee members who are psychodramatists but not working as trainers in the institute.

Representation in FEPTO: Dr. Abdulkadir Ozbek Psychodrama Institute became a member of FEPTO in 2001 in France, the Grasse Meeting. Inci Doğaner and Arşaluys Kayir represent the Institute in FEPTO meetings. In 2004 Inci Doğaner was elected as a Board member of FEPTO. And in 2006, both Inci Doğaner and Arşaluys Kayir were elected as Board members of FEPTO.

Training Curriculum
Admission: Medical doctors, psychologists, psychological counsellors, social workers and qualified nurses (educator, psychiatric nurse) are accepted to the program. A candidate is interviewed by the primary trainer and co trainer of the group.

Stages: (Revised in September 2004 to conform to FEPTO MTS)

Introductory stage: (48 hours): 40 hours of group work and 8 hours of theory.

Basic training stage (400 hours): It consists of 330 hours of self experience, 70 hours of theory (Theory of basic techniques, overview on philosophy of Moreno, role theory, sociometry, group processing, sociodrama, psychodrama in relation to other models of psychotherapy, group dynamics, therapeutic factors and developmental theories). It lasts from 2 to 4 years. At least 48 hours of this stage is composed of seminars by other psychodrama leaders. The trainee should be a protagonist at least 3 times and should lead at least 1 times his/her own group. At least 3 protocol writings are supervised by trainers. After evaluation by the trainers (% 50 weighted) and the group members, the candidate is qualified as a Psychodrama Assistant. With this qualification he/she can become a co director for client groups.

Advanced training stage (480 hours). At least 230 hours of 480 hours consists of conducting inside the advanced group under the direct supervision of the trainers. There is a plus of theoretical work with a total of 50 hours. Of these 480 hours, at least 48 hours is in an open group with other leaders. Before 2004, own practice hours were 64 hours. We are gradually increasing these hours to conform to FEPTO standards. We are also trying to provide a room for individual supervision sessions. From 2006 on, the own practice hours will increase to 160 hours. After this stage is finished the trainee presents the diploma thesis of his/her own group work in the colloquia. If accepted he/she is qualified as a Psychodrama Therapist (in the case of psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and medical doctors in special cases) or a Psychodrama Leader. With this qualification he/she can direct client groups. Some of the graduates are selected by the trainers and examiners for becoming a co trainer in the Institute.

Other activities of the Institute: Annual meeting in Bergama/Asclepion.

Publications: there are 10 books, 5 of which are translations, published by Turkish Group Psychotherapies Association and Abdulkadir Ozbek Psychodrama Institute.



(Austrian Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Dynamics)
FEPTO Training Organisation
Main organizer of the FEPTO Vienna  Annual Meeting in 2005

: ÖAGG has been existing since June 1959. It was  founded by Dr. Raoul Schindler and some colleagues to promote research, training and application of group dynamics and group psychotherapy. Raoul Schindler, famous for his theory of the dynamic rank position model and the bifocal group therapy, has been the chairman of the association until 1991. Moreno himself was co-initiator of the organisation. Starting in its first years as a small group of friends the ÖAGG has developed to an organization with nearly 1700 members, 6 sections (Dynamic Group Psychotherapy, Gestalt Therapy, Group Psychoanalysis, Psychodrama, Systemic Family Therapy, Supervision and Coaching) and numerous programs in group psychotherapy, group dynamics, counselling and organizational development.The Section of Psychodrama, Sociometry and Roleplaying has 383 members. There are 13 main trainers, 20 trainers for special theoretical topics, individual self experience or supervision and 96 trainees. There are several regular activities like monthly meetings with theoretical and practical topics and a yearly symposium on theory and technique.
The section offers special psychodrama training for various applications (psychotherapy, education and organisations in general and for working with children and supervision and coaching)
For further information go to In Austria the ÖAGG is the largest private education organization for psychotherapy and is member in the OBVP (Austrian Federal Association for Psychotherapy) and in the IAGP (International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes). Concerning the IAGP the ÖAGG is the second largest member following the American Association for Group Psychotherapy. Therapy and Group Dynamics)

President of PD section:
Mag. Susanne Schulze
A-1090 Wien , Wasagasse 11/3/13,

President of the training committee:
Hildegard Pruckner
1160 Wien, Ottakringerstr. 49

Sylvia Zentner
ÖAGG – FS Psychodrama
1080 Wien, Lenaugasse 3/8,
Tel. & Fax: 0043-1-255 99 88

Main Trainers:
Biegler-Vitek, Gabriele
Dr. Farkas-Erlacher, Barbara
Dr. Fürst Jutta
Mag. Haselbacher, Helmut
Dr. Hochreiter, Karoline
Dr. Jorda Christian
Pro.Dr. Klaus Ottomeyer
DSA Neuretter Norbert
Pruckner Hildegard
Riepl Roswitha
Dr. Schigutt Anneliese
DSA Schönherr Maria-Th.



FEPTO Training Organisation
Organizer of the FEPTO  Cluj-Napoca  meetings in 2006

Address: 400090 Cluj-Napoca,
11 Avram Iancu Square, apt.2,

Contact: Horatiu Nil Albini,
president of SPJLM,
Tel: +40 264 597 528, Fax: +40 264 596 107,
Mobile: +40 723 331 007

History: a first contact occurred in October 1990, when a “therapeutic week-end” in Covasna included a psychodramatic work studio led by Emöke Bagdi and Ildikó Erdély from Hungary. The co-operation between Psychodrama Institut für Europa (PIfE) and the Association of Transylvanian Psychologists led to the organization in 1991 of the first two training groups in psychodrama, one in Romanian directed by Hilde Gött and another one in Hungarian directed by Klára Gallus and Kamilla Sarkady.
A Romanian group within the the German Institute was set up after the PIfE International Conference held in 1993 in Bulgaria. The meeting held in February 1994 marked the constitution of “J.L. Moreno” Psychodrama Society. The 29 founder members have registered the society as a non-profit professional association in July 1995.
The society is a national section of PIfE since May 2001, founder member of the Romanian Psychotherapy Federation (FRP) in 2001 and a FEPTO member as training organization since 2002. Since 2007 SPJLM is acredited by the Romanian College of Psychologists.

At present, the association has 20 trainers who direct 23 training groups in the 1st stage and five training groups in the 2nd stage. The first training group for the superior level for the bibliodrama section started in July 2007, and final colloqui was held in February 2009.

The main trainers: Horatiu Nil Albini, Butyka Enikö, Gabriela Iris Felezeu, Görög Ilona, Adriana Oachis, Rosca Zsuzsánna, Szilágyi Ilona, Albert Lörincz Enikő, Roth Maria and Varró Éva.
The Society is directed by an Executive Board elected for two years in the General Assembly. The work commissions are: The Professional Committee, the Program and Reunion Committee, the Ethics Committee, the Publication Committee, the Marketing Committee and the Auditing Committee.
During the Kauniainen FEPTO meeting Horatiu Nil Albini was elected as FEPTO secretary and at the Bearsden AM FEPTO co-president.

Supervisors: Horatiu Nil Albini, Varro Eva; delegated supervisors Butyka Enikö, Gabriela Iris Felezeu and Laura Cismas.

Training curriculum: The 1st stage of the present training curriculum was finished in 1999, and the 2nd one in 2003, both being updated in 2008 and inside the FEPTO Minimal Training Standards, and in accordance with the training standards of PIfE, FRP and CPR.

1st stage (basic level): It contains a preliminary stage consisting of an initiation seminar (18 hours), an admission seminar (18 hours) and an individual interview with the trainers followed by the activities in the constant group: 240 hours of self-knowledge, 90 hours of theory and method (30 hours are performed in the constant group of self-knowledge and 60 hours in theoretical seminars), 36 hours of special seminars, one seminar of group dynamics (36 hours).
100 hours of individual study, 3 protocols and a theoretical report are obligatory.
The intermediate estimation is performed after the first 120 hours of activity. The trainers work in pairs under supervision. The activity ends with a final estimation.
After the 1st stage graduation, the candidates obtain the psychodrama assistant diploma, which confers the right to conduct psychodrama groups together with a psychodrama leader/psychotherapist.

The 2nd stage (advanced level): It contains a constant group of 240 hours, divided into 120 hours of self-knowledge (the candidates lead the group under the trainers’ direct supervise) and 120 hours of theory and method.
The candidates present a theoretical report, 5 protocols from the work in this group and 10 protocols from the application of psychodrama in directing their own development group.
Attendance at 3 methodical seminars and 3 theoretical ones (each of 18 hours) is obligatory. Psychodrama techniques and sociometry are put into practice by the independent direction of a group of at least 160 hours with 90 hours of supervision (60 hours of group work, 30 hours individual supervision).
A paper is to be written at the end of the training. The trainee has to approach a theme from the psychodramatic theory and practice as well as its application in the independently directed group. The final colloquy consists of the presentation and the practical demonstration of the theme. The candidates’ trainers, the executive of the Professional Committee and the president of the association are the members of the examination board.
The FEPTO minimal training standards are respected, all hours of training are the same or higher.

Admittance: The pre-conditions of participation are: the candidate must be at least 24 years of age, possessor of a diploma in psychology, medicine, pedagogy, psycho-pedagogy, social assistance, theology, or other diplomas in fields that are relevant for psychodrama.
The admittance seminar is of 18 hours and is led by two trainers others than those who will further direct the group. An estimation of the candidates’ skills in working with psychodramatically methods is performed at the end of the seminar.

The basic level graduation is certified by the psychodrama assistant diploma that confers the right to direct – under the guidance of an psychotherapist or psychodrama leader – psychodrama groups for clients and patients.
The qualification after the advanced level graduation is that of psychodrama leader for those with superior studies in medicine, pedagogy, special psycho-pedagogy, social assistance, theology, philosophy, sociology and other social-human sciences and psychodrama psychotherapist for those with superior studies of psychology and for psychiatrists.

Other activities: The training groups were organized in Cluj-Napoca, Bucharest, Brasov, Tg. Mures, Oradea, Baia-Mare, Sf. Gheorghe, Miercurea-Ciuc and Constanta, and include at present time more than 200 trainees. The training is directed in Romanian and Hungarian language. Two of our trainees are preparing their PhD thesis on a psychodrama topic. 43 psychodrama psychotherapists are accredited by the Romanian Federation of Psychotherapy and 40 are psychotherapists under supervision. More than 100 have finished the courses of the basic level, being recognized as psychodrama assistants.

The Bibliodrama section started the courses in the spring of 2005. Its training curriculum is based on those provided by PIfE and the Hungarian Psychodrama Association, with trainers Sarkady Kamilla and Nyáry Péter from Hungary. First generation of bibliodramatists finished their training in February 2009.

The Artemis program (prevention of violence and sexual abuse against women) was carried on between 1995 and 2001. Until 2004 the association had a Positive Psychotherapy program.

The International Conference – Conflicts. Solving Drama Through Psychodrama was organized in 1998, in 2002 the Summer Academy The Way to One’s Self, and in 2003 the 7th PIfE International Conference Life is a Stage.
In April 2006 SPJLM organized in Cluj-Napoca the FEPTO meeting Appolon with Dionisos, Theories in Action and the post conference Theory in Practice of Different Approaches in Psychodrama. In July 2007, together with the Romanian Association of Classical Psychodrama (ARPsiC), we have organized in Sibiu the international conference Celebrating J.L. Moreno Personality.

In 2008 the first National Psychodrama Conference was held in Cluj, with the topic From Spring to Spring, followed by the second one, in Brasov, 2009: From Conflict to Encounter, you can visit the site of the conference at

New projects arise from these last events, including the preparation of a common psychodrama journal, the building of a National Accrediting Psychodrama Organization (NAPO), exchange of work-shops and lectures.

In 2008 started the POTENS project. The EU Grundtvig project called “POTENS – Psychodrama on the Educational Stage” constitutes a distinct phase in a long term plan to establish closer cooperation between psychodrama and adult education trainers with the purpose to improve the acquisition of key competences in lifelong learning, creative expression and social skills.
This pilot initiative is led by Bielskie Teatr Grodzki (Poland), and involves partners from: Poland – Plakówka Ksztalcenia Ustawicznego EST, Portugal – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovacao , and Cyprus – Cyprus Adult Education Association.

The “J. L. Moreno” Psychodrama Society is the Romanian partner of the consortium, responsible for the psychodrama expertise: training methodology and guidelines development for the psychodrama use in adult education. The methodology is tested in pilot workshops running till end of 2009 in 4 countries (90 hours in each country).

For 2009 we plan a co-operation with FEPTO in the scientific and research fields, to collect in a volume the colloquy papers presented so far, to translate basic psychodrama books required for the training. We are in the preparation of an organizational psychodrama department and a course of coaching. We have in view the implementation of development strategies, focused on the fields where psychodrama could be applied, so that the organization could diversify its activities.

A discussion group was created at
A bilingual (Romanian/English) site on Internet was opened in 2002. You can visit us at




FEPTO Accrediting Organisation
Main organizer of the FEPTO  Bearsden  meetings in 2008

Registered Address: Brook House, The Causeway, Northmoor nr, Witney, Oxon OX29 5SX. Registered in England Company number 2928708
Administrator: James Scanlan, 1/1, 105 Hyndland Rd, Glasgow G12 9JD, Scotland
Tel/fax: 0044 (0)141 339 0141
Web site:

History: Psychodrama was brought to Britain by Marcia Karp in the 1970s when she established the Holwell Centre. By 1980 it was evident that training of psychotherapists would ultimately be brought under government control. The British Psychodrama Association (BPA) was established in 1984 to promote and encourage the use of psychodrama throughout the UK. It is accredited by the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and in turn the BPA is the accrediting organisation for psychodrama and sociodrama training organisations. BPA regulates training standards in Britain; these comply with the minimum training standards of FEPTO.

Training staff: Since BPA is not itself a training organisation it does not have training staff it does accredit trainers at 2 levels; Trainer and Senior trainer and training organisations.

Key members: BPA has an Honorary President, Currently Peter Haworth, an executive Committee of 15 members. There are 2 further major committees, Accreditation and Professional Conduct. Representation in FEPTO – Celia Scanlan. BPA has 2 ublications; A 6 monthly Journal and a quarterly newsletter (Tele)



FEPTO Accrediting Organisation
Main organizer of the FEPTO Ghent meetings in 2009

Zwanenkamp 841
NL – 3607 PV MAARSSEN, The Netherlands
+31 346 570 493 

: Jacomien Ilbrink-de Visser

History and purpose: VvP is founded in May 1990. The first council, consisting of three students of the School for Psychodrama founded by Renée Oudijk, was set on the same year.

The VvP is a non profit association. VvP is now accrediting organization for the all the training institutes in the Netherlands and Flemish speaking Belgium.
The VvP supports the minimal standards of FEPTO. The association has about ninety members of whom a great part candidate members. Requirement for being a member is to be a certified practitioner. That certificate CP is given by the NBES (the Dutch Belgium Examination Statute for Psychodrama, Sociometry, Group psychotherapy, Sociodrama and Role Training Foundation).

This is a cooperative project of outstanding Dutch and Belgian psychodrama trainings institutes. Similar with American, Australian, and Nordic foundations.
The VvP aims to promote psychodrama in the Dutch and Flemish regions in the widest form such as development of competence, encounter, interchange between members and facilitating psycho-dramatists with execution of their professional duties. Twice a year their is an annual meeting connected with a workshop. The VvP publishes three or four times a year a newsletter.

The VvP is member of de NAP Netherlands Association for Psychotherapy the Dutch Umbrella organization for psychotherapy and member of EAP.

Jacomien Ilbrink-de Visser: chairperson
Cecile Oser: member
Kees Swierts: secretary and webmaster

Honorary members: Zerka T. Moreno, Renée Oudijk and Pierre Fontaine

Well known members among others:
Pierre de Laat, Lenie Verhofstadt, Peter John Schouten, Jan Lap, Marjorie Lap Streur, Edith Wegman, Lex Mulder, Judith Budde, Aris Zeilstra.






FEPTO Conference

17th FEPTO Conference:
From External Violence to Internal Shadow: When Psychodrama Helps To
Confront Reality

5th to 7th of May, 2023
Liege, Belgium

» Invitation

» Provisionally program

» Call for workshop facilitators

» Online registration


Annual Meeting

29th FEPTO AM:
Spontaneity and Creativity in the Transforming World
30 years of FEPTO and beyond

7th to 11th of May, 2023
Liege, Belgium

» Invitation

» Provisionally program

» Online registration



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