

map of turkeyCOUNTRY

Turkey, officially the Republic of Turkey, is a Eurasian country that stretches across the Anatolian peninsula in South western Asia and the Balkan region of South Eastern Europe. Turkey’s area is 780.576 square kilometre. Turkey has 67.8 million inhabitants, and 99% of the population is Muslim.
Turkey has been called “the cradle of” civilization. The Republic (1923) is based on a secular democratic, pluralistic and parliamentary system.

In 1972, Dr. Özbek met Dr. Grete Leutz in Lübeck during a Psychotherapies Meeting. He was working in Germany as a professor of psychiatry. He started his own training with Dr. Leutz in Moreno Überlingen Institut. Coming back to Turkey, Ankara University, Dr. Özbek invited Dr. Leutz to Turkey for a couple of times for workshops and seminars. In 1984 the nucleus of the first systematic training for psychodramatic-sociometric group psychotherapies started in Ankara. This was also the start of the first systematic psychotherapy training in Turkey. Meanwhile the Group Psychotherapies Association was formed in 1974 in and congresses were being organized. From 1984 on, these congresses are held in Bergama, in the ancient Asclepion each year with the participation of international psychodramatists and group psychotherapists. In 1986 Dr. Özbek enlarged the training program and training groups were formed also in Istanbul, Izmir and Bursa. With the support and contributions of Überlingen Moreno Institute’s trainers he managed to continue the difficult task of training in so many places. Dr. Leutz, Dr. Franzke, Dr. Gerstenberg, Dr. Gneist were visitor trainers. Later Dr. Burmeister, Dr. Pinter, G. Ziegler, Dr. Gasseau, J. Moreno were added to the list. The certification of first psychodramatists of the Institute was made with contributions from the trainers of Moreno Überlingen Institut. First jury examination started in 1993. Dr. Özbek died in June 2000.


1. Dr. Abdülkadir Özbek Psyhodrama Institute (Dr. AOPI)

Until 2001 the training was provided by 3 associations in 3 cities: TGPD, IPGD, IPD. In 2001 Dr. AOPI (Ltd) was founded by Inci Doğaner, Aysel Özlü and Mehmet Seraner. The total number of certified psychodramatists is 69. There are now 24 trainers and 14 co-trainers and 3 ethical committe members working for the Institute. Currently, the number of trainees is 200. Recently the Institute started a training program in North Cyprus (KKTC, as recognised only by Turkey) with 17 trainees. The Institute is a member of FEPTO since 2001. Inci Doğaner and Arşaluys Kayir are now in the Council of FEPTO. There are 10 books on PD, 5 of which are translations, published by TGPD and Dr. AOPI. Psychodramatists has worked and are working in many fields: In the co-treatment of mental illnesses like schizophrenia, autism, mental retardation, bipolar disorder, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, substance abuse; in family and couples therapy and in education. There are also PD seminars directed in public halls in cooperation with municipalities since 1995.

2. Istanbul Psychodrama Institute (IPI) and Istanbul Zerka Moreno Institute

IPI was established in 1997 by Mr. Altinay (MA) and Mrs Karabekir (MA). IPI has got 108 trainees currently. IPI is a member of FEPTO. The number of graduates is 50. Beside the traning program, the traditional summer workshops, conferences and weekend workshops are run. There are also elective seminars like child psychodrama, individual psychodrama, role prediction test in marriage, family tree and genosociograms and psychodrama. There are 5 books, 1 of which is translation, edited Mr. Altinay. Istanbul Playback Theatre Company (1999) founded also by Mr. Altınay is continuing its performances at stage and trainings for everyone.

3. Umut Psychodrama Institute founded in 1995 is directed by G. Ziegler and Dr. E. Ziegler.

FEPTO Conference

17th FEPTO Conference:
From External Violence to Internal Shadow: When Psychodrama Helps To
Confront Reality

5th to 7th of May, 2023
Liege, Belgium

» Invitation

» Provisionally program

» Call for workshop facilitators

» Online registration


Annual Meeting

29th FEPTO AM:
Spontaneity and Creativity in the Transforming World
30 years of FEPTO and beyond

7th to 11th of May, 2023
Liege, Belgium

» Invitation

» Provisionally program

» Online registration



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