1. FEPTO Conference guidelines
The FEPTO Conference, further on FC, is a psychodrama meeting that is organized by a local organization in cooperation with FEPTO, preferably after a FEPTO Annual Meeting (until now FEPTO Post Meeting Conference – PMC).
One or more local psychodrama organization (LO) form a local organizing committee (LOC) to organize the FC in co-operation with the FEPTO council.
This or these organization/s is/are the body/bodies responsible for building the committee and its functioning.
The FC promotes the mutual learning of psychodrama and improves the network of different countries and cultures between trainees, practitioners, trainers and other interested professionals.
Advantages for the partners:
The local organizers can use the presence of foreign trainers to offer special workshops for trainees, graduated local psychodramatists and trainers.
FEPTO can use it as a platform for workshops, intervision/supervision group and networking groups for FEPTO representatives and other psychodramatists.
• Local organizers prepare the meeting (Title, topic, facilities, registration, budget)
• Local organizers prepare the programme (trainers invited to give a lecture or workshop, first and second call) together with the FEPTO Council which is represented by the chair of the annual meeting committee.
• FEPTO Council will approve the programme and the budget
FEPTO will take the responsibility for the loss as long as
• The local organizers are working properly according to the guidelines
• Do not accede the budget without agreement of the FEPTO Council
50 % of the profit is going to the local organization/s. How the money is used is up to them and depends on the contract between the local organizations and the members of the LOC.
The contract between FEPTO (represented by the council) and the local organisation/s should be based on the FC guidelines.
The regulation between the local organisation/s and the LOC is not part of this contract.
• The FC should carry itself financially
• Workshops with paid trainers are only carried out when the number of participants guaranties to cover the travel costs, accommodation and fee for these trainers and the room rent and extra expenses (e.g. Coffee for break)
• Workshops without paid trainers are only carried out when the number of participants guaranties to cover the costs of the room rent and extra expenses (e.g. Coffee for break)
• Workshops are cancelled when there are not enough participants at the certain time when any costs would have to be paid (room reservation, flight booking etc), at least one month before the FC is taking place
• Conference fees for trainers running workshops:
– If the trainer runs a half-day (or less) workshop, (s)he pays the full FC fee
– If the trainer runs a day long workshop, (s)he pays half the fee of the FC
– If the trainer runs an ongoing group for two days, (s)he does not pay the fee of the FC
• Processing: When a trainer uses Action Methods or Psychodrama, (s)he should provide time to process the session, since processing is an important part of the learning experience.
The budget for the FC has to include
• Expenses for trainers or lecturers (accommodation costs, fees)
• Rent for rooms
• Extra costs (e.g. Coffee for break)
• The calculated registration fee
• The expected income
Following expenses are not part of the budget and should be paid by the profit of the LO.
• Costs for PR (other advertising than through the FEPTO web-site)
• Expenses caused by the organization of the FC (e.g. travel costs and working time of the organizers)
2. Scholarship granting guidelines
As you know, each year FEPTO provides scholarships for the Annual Meeting (AM) and for the FEPTO Conference (FC). Some people may wonder what the procedure is. We have kept it simple and are presenting it here.
Who can apply?
All institutes (members of FEPTO) from countries such as Bulgaria, Croatia*, Estonia*, North Macedonia, Greece*, Hungary, Latvia*, Lithuania*, Poland, Portugal*, Romania, Russia, Serbia ant Turkey may apply (i.e. scholarships are only granted to institutes ,not to individuals, nor founding members.)
Since only one scholarship is granted per institute, if a second representative from the same institute is also interested, both applicants will need to discuss the matter and reach an agreement together.
For the FEPTO Conference, one scholarship per person is available
For participants coming from countries such as Bulgaria, Croatia*, Estonia*, North Macedonia, Greece*, Hungary, Latvia*, Lithuania*, Poland, Portugal*, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Turkey. Regardless of which FEPTO institute they are coming from, or how many people are coming from the same institute.
How much is a scholarship?
FEPTO policy is to offer scholarships, based on the early bird fees, not exceeding 10% of the total amount of participants (fees) registered. This is based on the FEPTO Treasurer report or the Local Organizing Committee (LOC). 10% of the registration fee for both events (FEPTO Conference and Annual Meeting) will be delegated to scholarships.
If the applicant does not register within the early bird deadline, FEPTO still provides the scholarship based on the early bird fee; but what remains from the regular fee must be paid by the participant.
A full scholarship represents 2/3 of the early bird registration fee. This amount is covered by FEPTO. The applicant needs to pay the remaining third.
Institute representatives (for the AM) and participants (for FC) coming from countries identified with an*, get half a scholarship, which means that 1/3 of the early bird registration fee is paid by FEPTO and 2/3 by the applicant
How to apply?
The responsibility for granting the scholarships lies with the FEPTO Council. It is a simple procedure, based on the following rule: first come, first served.
- The applicant – whether (s)he is representing an institute (for AM) or coming as an individual (for FC) has to check the corresponding box on the online registration form.
- The applicant has to pay the total amount of the registration fee, as the final capacity for scholarship granting is not known before the end of the registration process and depends on the final number of participants.
- The amount which corresponds to scholarships is refunded to the beneficiaries during the Conference or Annual Meeting.
The responsibility for granting the scholarships lies with the Chair of the Development and Network Committee and the FEPTO Council. It is a simple procedure, based on the following rule: first come, first served.
We hope this clarifies the scholarship granting process to each and every one of you. If you have any question or need further clarification do not hesitate to contact the Local Organizing Committee.
Looking forward to meeting you in one of the FEPTO activities!
Written By Fred Dorn (Chair of Development and Network Committee, January 2017)
Updated by Nikos Takis (President of FEPTO, January 2020)
Download > Scholarship granting guidelines