29th FEPTO Annual Meeting
Liège, Belgium, 7th to 11th of May, 2023
Spontaneity and Creativity in the Transforming World
30 years of FEPTO and beyond
The world is transforming. We live in period of multiple global challenges. The world needs appropriate responses to balance different powers, politics, cultures and traditions in order to find the common orbit for a world which respects human rights, democracy and diversity and which takes care for the nature and ecology of our planet.
Spontaneity and creativity are the basic for our being and learning and it is in particular needed in moments of changes. What do these essential elements of psychodrama and sociodrama mean in a transforming world? How do we warm up people, communities and societies for transforming ourselves and societies to meet the current global challenges? And how do we prepare and accompany individual and collective action in order to find appropriate answers to needs of people and their communities?
30 years of FEPTO. FEPTO is a dynamic professional world of encounters and exchanges. Happy birthday, dear FEPTO! 30 years of developing psychodrama training, practice and research. 30 years of professionalism and international networking. 30 years of joy and friendship, but also of arguments, discussions and conflicts.
FEPTO needs to be adaptive and transformative as well. Spontaneity and creativity are necessary to further develop our professional body. Are you warmed up to it? Are you ready for common spontaneous and creative action? Join us in Liege/ Belgium. You are very much welcome…
The Council.
Spontanéité et créativité dans un monde en mutation.
30 ans de FEPTO et au-delà
Le monde se transforme. Nous vivons une période de défis mondiaux multiples. Le monde a besoin de réponses appropriées pour équilibrer les différents pouvoirs, politiques, cultures et traditions afin de trouver l’orbite commune pour un monde qui respecte les droits de l’homme, la démocratie et la diversité et qui prend soin de la nature et de l’écologie de notre planète.
La spontanéité et la créativité sont à la base de notre existence et de notre apprentissage et sont particulièrement nécessaires dans les moments de changement. Que signifient ces éléments essentiels du psychodrame et du sociodrame dans un monde en transformation ? Comment réchauffer les personnes, les communautés et les sociétés pour qu’elles se transforment et répondent aux défis mondiaux actuels ? Et comment préparer et accompagner l’action individuelle et collective afin de trouver des réponses appropriées aux besoins des personnes et de leurs communautés ?
30 ans de FEPTO. FEPTO est un monde professionnel dynamique, fait de rencontres et d’échanges. Bon anniversaire, chère FEPTO ! 30 ans de développement de la formation, de la pratique et de la recherche en psychodrame. 30 ans de professionnalisme et de mise en réseau international. 30 ans de joie et d’amitié, mais aussi de disputes, de discussions et de conflits.
FEPTO doit aussi être adaptatif et transformateur. La spontanéité et la créativité sont nécessaires pour poursuivre le développement de notre corps professionnel. Êtes-vous prêts à le faire ? Êtes-vous prêt pour une action commune spontanée et créative ? Rejoignez-nous à Liège/ Belgique. Vous êtes les bienvenus…
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CFIP, Centre pour la formation et l’intervention psychosociologiques, is a training, consultancy and coaching centre, active in the fields of management, human resources management, communication, change management and support, and psychosocial risk management.
The CFIP is first and foremost a solid and enthusiastic team, with more than 40 experts. For over 50 years, our organisation has evolved, reflected, matured and innovated.
It has several training schools, including psychodrama, which in 2023 will be 60 years old, because it was created by Pierre Fontaine, a founding member of FEPTO, and was first called Verveine.
The training school allows people to participate in a training cycle to be recognised as a psychodramatist.
Psychologist, psychodrama trainer at CFIP (Belgium), analyst Jungian at the SBPA (Belgium), trainer in family therapy (IPFS- Namur, Belgium.).
She is treasurer of FEPTO since 2002. She is in a life phase of transmission. Co-author with Agathe Crespel of the French book “Faciliter l’intelligence collective” (Eyrolles, 2018) and its English translation “Facilitating Collective Intelligence, a handbook for trainers, coaches, consultants and leaders” (Routledge, 2019).
She works in different European countries.
Nadine Hanquet
Was born in Liège and still lives there. She loves her city and will welcome you with pleasure. She has been working as an accountant at FEPTO
Psychoanalyst and psychodramatist.
He has combined activities in public health and management of prevention programs (AIDS, prevention of abuse, support for parenthood…), to training and clinical activities.
Concerned with information to the general public, it has intervened on numerous occasions in the in the media and currently maintains a YouTube channel (@Unpsychanalyste )
He has also written four novels, a play and two short essays.
For the past several years, he has been running two weekly therapeutic psychodrama groups and and co-leads the didactic group.
Nikolaos Takis, PhD
Founder and director of “Endohora” Training Institute.
He is a Clinical Psychologist and Individual and Group Psychodynamic Psychotherapist. He holds a PhD. from the National University of Athens. He has worked for 14 years in the field of addictions’ treatment.
The last 13 years he is a Professor of Psychology in The American College of Greece and Director of the Counseling Center of the College. He is running Psychodrama groups since 2002 and training groups since 2010. He is also a group analyst and candidate psychoanalyst of the Hellenic Psychoanalytical Society.
He was a FEPTO board member from 2015 to 2021 and president from 2017 until 2021.
LOC coordinator: Nadine and Chantal Nève Hanquet
Tel: +477 85 01 03
Secretary of the Annual Meeting: Nadine Hanquet
Tel : +475 81 24 05
Email: fepto.liege2023@gmail.com