
Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organisations


The Federation wishes to support the development of psychodrama training in Europe, and the Mediterranean countries, by promoting scientific and social exchanges between trainers and training institutes, to establish minimal training standards, to give ethical guidelines and to promote research. More > Constitution


FEPTO is a federation of organisations. There are three types of members: the individual members who founded FEPTO, the psychodrama training organisations and the organisations providing accreditation or certification of psychodramatists.
There were 40 individual Founding members at the constitution of the federation. They brought their and other organisations in as members and so in January 2023 we have 75 training organisations and 8 accrediting organisations.
The members come from 27 European and Mediterranean Countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,  Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and Ukraine.
More > Membership list
The past presidents were Giovanni Boria (1996-2000), Renée Oudijk (2000-2002), Judith Teszáry (2002-2008), Jutta Fürst (2008-2010), Horatiu Nil Albini (2010-2012) Gabriela Moita (2012-2013), Eduardo Verdu (2013-2014), Leandra Perrotta (2014-2015), Johannes Krall (2015-2017), Nikolaos Takis (2017-2021) and Mirjana Jovanovska Stojanovska (2021-2023).
The honorary members are: Anne Ancelin Schützenberger, Pierre Fontaine, Grete Leutz, Marcia Karp, Zerka T. Moreno, Eva Røine and Ildikó Mävers.
Life Time Achievement Award was granted to: Dorothy Langley, Eva Fahlström-Borg, Chantal Nève Hanquet, Monika Westberg, Leni Verhofstad-Denéve, Agnes Dudler and Judith Teszáry
FEPTO Excellence Award was granted to: Maurizio Gasseau, Johannes Krall and Horatiu Nil Albini.


The council members are elected by the general assembly biannually.
The Council choose its executive officers and the chairs of the committees.
The Council, as elected in May 2021, is composed by:

President: Mirjana Jovanovska Stojanovska (FYROM) president@fepto.com
Vice-President: Giorgos Chaniotis (GR)  yorgoschaniotis@gmail.com
Treasurer: Chantal Nève-Hanquet (BE) hanquetchantal@gmail.com
Secretary: Fred Dorn (DE)  secretaryFEPTO@gmail.com
Ethics Committee: Judith Teszáry (SE)  jteszary@gmail.com
International Affairs: : Judith Teszáry (SE) and Johannes Krall (AT) jteszary@gmail.com
Research Committee: İnanç Sümbüloğlu (TR)  and Johannes Krall (AT) hannes.krall@aau.at 
Development & Network Committee: Fred Dorn (DE)  development@fepto.com
Training Committee: Giorgos Chaniotis (GR)  yorgoschaniotis@gmail.com
Membership Committee: Katerina Ilieva (BG)  and Mirjana Jovanovska Stojanovska (FYROM) membership@fepto.com
Annual Meeting Committee: Mirjana Jovanovska Stojanovska (FYROM) and Katerina Ilieva (BG)   annualmeeting@fepto.com
Communication Committee: Katerina Ilieva (BG) communication@fepto.com


Annual meeting with General assembly (5 days): 1993 Stockholm (SE), 1994 Oxford (UK), 1995 Louvain (BE), 1996 Louvain (BE), 1997 Sulzano (IT), 1998 Diez (DE), 1999 Seville (ES), 2000 Budapest (HU), 2001 Grasse (FR), 2002 Sofia (BG), 2003 Estoril (PT), 2004 Helsinki (SF), 2005 Vienna (AT), 2006 Cluj-Napoca (RO), 2007 Izmir (TR), 2008 Glasgow (UK), 2009 Ghent (BE), 2010 Kovacica (SP), 2011 Neve Shalom (IL), 2012 Oslo (N), 2013 Santander (ES), 2014 Obidos (PT), 2015 Bonn (DE), 2016 Marathon (GR), 2017 Sigtuna (SE), 2018 Pravetz (BG), 2019 Tallinn (EE), 2022 Ohrid (RNM), 2023 Liège (B).  The number of participants has grown from 29 to 113.
The meetings have themes linked to psychodrama training. Recent themes: Values; Roots and Wings; From Training to Practice; Supervision; Trust, Ethics and Power of Practice; “Bridge Over Troubled Water” – Integration of opposites allows differences; “Apollon with Dionysos” – Theories in Action.
There is a scientific part in the meeting, an important organisational one, but also a half day excursion to meet colleagues and the country in a relaxed way and an evening with a cultural event organised by the host country.
Post meeting Conference
In connection to the annual meeting, FEPTO organises a Conference on 2 or 3 days with workshops directed by FEPTO member trainers. The conference is open for trainers, trainees and psychodramatists from our member institutes. The conference gives opportunity to the students to meet other trainers and have an exchange with other institutes trainees. A Supervision session for trainers is also organized. In 2017 the FEPTO Psychodrama Student Award was granted to Kristina Gotseva-Balgaranova.
More > FEPTO Conference

Activities of the Council
The Council meets twice a year, during 2-3 days, once in spring, before the annual meeting, and once in October-November. There is a complementary Executive meeting in February. These meetings are prepared by exchanges and work through mail.The Committees are open for interested representatives of member organisations. The chairs of the committees are members of the Council and are responsible for the development of the different areas of interest. All the committees meet at the annual meeting and work by e-mail exchanges during the year.

Finances: the annual ordinary budget amounts 8-9.000 Euros. The income is from membership fees. The expenses are mostly for Council meetings, for membership in international organisations and for printing and posting the Newsletter. There is a separate budget for the annual meetings. There are reductions in membership fees for countries with lower income level and also scholarships for their participation at the annual meeting.

FEPTO News: this newsletter is published two or three times a year. Each issue has 16-24 pages and is sent by post mail to the FEPTO founding members and the representatives of the accrediting and training institutes. It is a contact between members and Council. So a large part of the newsletter is organisational reports, announcements and questionnaires. In addition there are short articles, news from member activities and news from the international organisations. More > Newsletter

Web-site: The present web-site (web-master Horatiu Nil Albini) was created in 2007. The previous web-site www.fepto.go.to (web-master Antonio Roma Torres) was created in 1997, works together with the psychodrama section of IAGP and is still active.

Training: FEPTO decides common training standards for training institutes, gives guidelines for ethical code in cooperation with the member institutes. FEPTO has both recommended and mandatory guidelines.
More > MTS & Qualitative requirements
MTS for integration of research in training
MTS for Psychodrama with Children and Youth

Membership: any psychodrama training institute or organisation in Europe or in the Mediterranean countries who meet FEPTO’s minimal training standards and other requirements (see separate document about Training and Membership on the web site) can be accepted as member.

Ethics: FEPTO established a Code of Ethics and Practice and has an Advisory board connected to the Ethic committee.
More > Ethics

Research: FEPTO has a goal to facilitate and create research programs, by exchange between research activities at the member institutes, collection and spread of reports and publications on psychodrama research. More > Research

Publications: Psychodrama Training, A European View (Pierre Fontaine Ed.) 330 pp. 1st Ed. 1999, 2d revised Ed. 2001. Articles from 36 FEPTO trainers about elements of the psychodrama training curriculum.

External Relations
IAGP (International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes). FEPTO members are present at IAGP board and active at IAGP conferences. Manuela Maciel is chair of the Psychodrama section in IAGP.
EAP (European Association for Psychotherapy). FEPTO became a member of EAP as a EWAO (European Wide Accrediting Organisation) for Psychodrama February 2005 by decision of the General Assembly June 2004. FEPTO as EWAO is handling the application for ECP for psychodramatists. More > EAP procedure for ECP




FEPTO Conference

17th FEPTO Conference:
From External Violence to Internal Shadow: When Psychodrama Helps To
Confront Reality

5th to 7th of May, 2023
Liege, Belgium

» Invitation

» Provisionally program

» Call for workshop facilitators

» Online registration


Annual Meeting

29th FEPTO AM:
Spontaneity and Creativity in the Transforming World
30 years of FEPTO and beyond

7th to 11th of May, 2023
Liege, Belgium

» Invitation

» Provisionally program

» Online registration



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