
By laws

Alacati By-laws


Proposal 1
The candidate organization, which is to be voted for membership should have a representative actually present in the Annual Meeting of voting year.
Proposal 2
The representative/s of the candidate organizations can participate in General Assembly except the session of discussion and voting about them and other candidate organizations.
Proposal 3
The candidate organization should declare the Code of Ethics and Practice they follow and in case that they don’t declare any, or have declared one which is not in accordance with or open to question with the Codes of Ethics and Practice of FEPTO, should accept to adjust their codes of practice according to the Codes of Ethics and Practice accepted by FEPTO.
Proposal 4
“Any firm proposal of change (new article, modification or deletion in the by-laws and in the Constitution shall be proposed by four members minimum.”
For the by-laws they “must be sent to the Council in writing, at least 3 months before the GA” (Constitution Art 8.2)
They can be sent to the FEPTO Chairperson and Secretary by E-mail.
For the Constitution they must be sent to the Council in writing at least 5 months before the GA.
They can be sent to the FEPTO Chairperson and Secretary by E-mail.
Proposal 5
A representative can only represent one organisation at voting.
Proposal 6
We proposed at the GA in Cluj that the training institutes and the accrediting organisations, after the implementation of MTS, were entitled to write on their certificates: this training program is in accordance with the MTS of FEPTO.
As we cannot control this, the institutes wishing to add this sentence on their certificate should make a statement and sign it.
This proposal is to be discussed during the Alacati GA and afterwards we will decide if it is to be voted.

Vienna By-laws

BY LAWS proposed for vote in Austria

Officially there is one point missing in our statutes to be in agreement with the new Belgian law on International non profit organisations: We have to mention how a Council meeting is convened
The lawyer said it is not so important to make an official Statutes change (we can wait till other Statutes changes are necessary), if we vote a by-law about these rules. By laws are official but can be changed through the GA by simple majority (I prefer more) and do not need a permission from the Ministry of Justice and a publication in the Belgian State Gazette. Art 8.2 stipulates “Members of FEPTO can propose by laws changes to the general assembly. These proposals must be sent to the council in writing at least three months before the GA.” What we have done by e-mail.
A second by law will be required by EAP: a clear separation between psychotherapists and other members of our association. These by law have not been proposed to the Council three months before. We announce it as a requirement if we join EAP, it can only become a by-law in a GA.

The Chairperson of FEPTO convenes the Council. Minimum 50% of the Council members can also convene it.

The organisational members have to differentiate in their training and/or their accreditation between psychodrama psychotherapists and psychodramatists with other professional fields of action.
The Founding members have to declare if they are psychotherapists.

FEPTO Conference

17th FEPTO Conference:
From External Violence to Internal Shadow: When Psychodrama Helps To
Confront Reality

5th to 7th of May, 2023
Liege, Belgium

» Invitation

» Provisionally program

» Call for workshop facilitators

» Online registration


Annual Meeting

29th FEPTO AM:
Spontaneity and Creativity in the Transforming World
30 years of FEPTO and beyond

7th to 11th of May, 2023
Liege, Belgium

» Invitation

» Provisionally program

» Online registration



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